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他悲观地说将来可能大难临头。He spoke darkly of possible future disaster.

我们所有人都有一种大难临头的感觉。A sense of impending doom came upon all of us.

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大难临头!你拼命找寻的绿洲已经干涸!Disaster! The Oasis that you were looking for is dried up!

如有大难临头,很多人会惊慌失措。Many will doubtless be thrown into panic should a disaster strike.

我能理解伯父为何在这儿时总是觉得要大难临头了。I can understand why my uncle felt that trouble was coming to him here.

你的德园大难临头,我却还在讲什么关于文明的废话。Here I am talkingtummy-rot about civilization, when your Tara's in danger.

1921年8月,罗斯福大难临头,脊髓灰质炎损害了他的健康。Then disaster struck in August 1921, when an attack of polio laid Roosevelt low.

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真要是大难临头,给我什么都不要,我只要一个好水兵,哪怕是一个身败名裂的水兵。I would rather have a good Marine, even a ruined Marine, than anything the world when there are chips down.

要换作别的时候,这样糟糕的数据足以让人产生大难临头的感觉,但当前这些数据却会被看作好消息。At any other time, numbers like these would be apocalyptic , but they're what pass for good news these days.

裁员的可能性好几个月来一直使我大难临头的危险。The possibility of being made redundant has been a sword of Damocles hanging over me for several months now.

但是这次我想他是大难临头了—一个干练又富有创新思想的年轻人成了他的竞争对手。But this time I think his number is up -a he has a smart young man running against him with a lot of new ideas.

每次生态灾难或者生态问题都源于碳含量,对此如果还想为此狡辩,真可谓是大难临头却袖手旁观了。Each ecological disaster or problem traces its cause back to carbon. To quibble about this is really fiddling while Rome burns.

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如果这种放任违法犯罪的坏名声属实的话,那拥有全球将近四分之一境外资本的瑞士就大难临头了。If this reputation for skullduggery is right, Switzerland, home to about one-quarter of the world's offshore money, is in big trouble.

当雨冷凝形成的下降气流遭遇地表暖气流时----“超级风胞”下方一股低空旋转的云团便已形成,龙卷风就要让我们大难临头了。When rain-cooled downdrafts hit warm air near the ground, a low hanging revolving cloud forms beneath the cell, a tornado is imminent.

生活的崩溃让他们倍感恐惧,大难临头的感觉让他们内心不得安宁。They were all frightened at the collapse of their lives, and the sense of disaster in which they were involved left them no inner freedom.

正当这个国家的领导人乘着游艇巡游之时,军方接管了政府-一个大难临头,依然歌舞升平的典型事例。While the country's leader was away cruising on his yacht there was a military take-over of the government – a typical case of fiddling while Rome burns.

但是这整场乱局是美国公司们拒绝为自己的行为负责的后果,所以我猜就算大难临头时的胡扯也不足为奇了。But then, this whole mess is a result of American firms refusing to take responsibility for their actions, so I guess we shouldn't be surprised that the fiddling continues even as Rome burns.

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德芙洛环境部门的首席科学家鲍勃.华特森认为媒体把该电邮事件写的如同大难临头,但是事实上全球变暖的科学并没有带来什么负面影响。Bob Watson, chief scientist at the environment department Defra said the media have portrayed the email affair as a crisis, but there are no adverse conclusions on the science of global warming.