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听铁蹄震撼大地!Hark to our stomps on the ground!

在侵略者的铁蹄下,他们受尽了奴役。They suffered a lot under the invader's heel.

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世上的残暴铁蹄下的错误,和精明的手伤。The world's brute ox-heel wrong, and shrewd hand-harm.

16世纪,这座古城也是牺牲在西班牙的火炮铁蹄下。The 16th century, the city is also sacrifice in Spain early 1200s artillery.

1942年1月,日本战争机器的铁蹄席卷东南亚。In January 1942, the Japanese war machines across southeast Asia early 1200s.

1942年1月,日本战争机器的铁蹄席卷东南亚。In January 1942, the Japanese swept through Southeast Asia, the cruel war machine.

美国曾帮助把一个大陆从一个狂人的铁蹄下解放出来。America is the country that helped liberate a continent from the march of a madman.

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在纳粹的铁蹄之下,要从欧洲逃往美国,必须绕道摩洛哥北部城市卡萨布兰卡。For Europeans, the city lying in the north of Morocco was the only safety exit to America.

政府本身只能匍匐在华尔街的铁蹄下,仰人鼻息。The Government itself lies prone in the dust with the iron heel of Wall Street upon its neck.

这古老的曾被百万铁蹄践踏的贸易路线,正逐步得到恢复。The ancient trade-routes, trampled down by millions of iron heels and hoofs, were put in a state of repair.

尽管在政府过程中蒙古人的铁蹄蹂躏了许多城市,但他们也将自己的法律和秩序推广到了整个辽阔帝国。But although they destroyed many cities in their conquests , the Mongols also brought law and order to their vast empire.

在遇战疯人对银河系发动初次进攻时,很多人死在了这些邪恶异星人烧杀抢掠的铁蹄之下。During the initial Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, many lives were lost to the depredations of these sinister aliens.

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马背上的王者成吉思汗以旋风般的铁蹄,在欧亚大陆留下了令人心惊胆颤的记忆。Genghis Khan, the king on the horse has left startling quiver memory at the Eurasia with the iron heel like the whirlwind.

人们永远不会忘记第聂伯河战役,永远不会忘记从纳粹铁蹄下解放东欧的战役。People will never forget the Battle of Dneper. People will never forget the liberation of the East Europe from Nazi's brutality.

在我四处闲逛时,曾在一座岛上看见一头长着人头铁蹄的怪物,在无休止地吃着泥土,喝着海水。In my wanderings I once saw upon an island a man-headed, iron-hoofed monster who ate of the earth and drank of the sea incessantly.

第三帝国的军事行动打的盟军措手不及,瞬间一座座城池践踏于纳粹的铁蹄之下。The Reich's military mobility caught the allied army unawares and in no time the city after city lie trampled under the Nazi's iron heels.

科幻与其他大部分的文学类型比起来,与现实世界的联系最少,在科幻的世界里总是会有救世主拯救世界,可能是从邪恶机器人的手里也可能是外星人的铁蹄之下。In a genre less committed than most to the this-worldly, there will always be messiahs to save the world from evil robots or invading aliens.

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同时提到,如果国家有专向的保护基金,克旗愿意划出草场保护铁蹄马。He also mentioned that if the state has speciality funds for protection, Khaskatun is willing to set aside grasslands to protect Baicha horses.

此刻,长长撕裂着南京的警笛声中,是否听见了松井石根入城式行进的铁蹄声——七十年前此日的后四天?At the moment, the siren is lacerating the Nanjing's air. From the siren, have you heard the Hoefyster of the Iwane Matsui 's forces 70 years ago?

现代的所谓“国际关系体系”产生于17世纪的欧洲,之后随着欧洲列强的铁蹄被推广至全世界。Modern so called "international relations system" stems from 17th century Europe. It was then spread all over the world by the iron heel of European powers.