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我今天穿了一身黑衣服。I'm in black today.

真的是感觉一身轻。It is like a light.

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我出了一身汗。I'm covered in sweat.

我从不独然一身。I'm not ever left alone.

只要花上几分钟,我们送您一身轻。If you only a few minute.

要否则,你就会孓然一身,孤傲死去!Or you're gonna die alone!

然后她吐了你一身。And she pukes all over you.

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我吓出了一身冷汗。I break out in a cold sweat.

我惊出一身冷汗。I break out in a cold sweat.

这女孩一身粉红色打扮。The girl was attired in pink.

我希望雕像是穿一身礼服的。I want a tuxedo on the statue.

猫有一身细软的毛皮。Cats are covered with soft fur.

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唧了我一身水。The water squirted all over me.

水喷了我一身。The water squirted all over me.

公共汽车溅了我们一身水。The bus spattered water over us.

她穿着一身轻盈的春装。She was in light spring clothing.

生活溅了我一身黑狗血。The life I have a splash of back.

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泥点溅了我一身。The mud spatted all over my body.

浅显与深刻集于一身。Shallow and deep at the same time.

她着一身黑装,穿着2英寸的高跟鞋。She is in all black, 2-inch heels.