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罗浮宫随时犒赏您的味蕾。Louvre rewards your taste in food.

不时犒赏自己在饮食和锻炼方面的坚持Rewarding yourself for dieting and exercising

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对这些员工的犒赏,就是终生职业和薪随龄涨的机制。Their rewards were jobs for life and pay rising with age.

天哪,这么多食物!你是打算犒赏三军吗。Good grief, look at all this food! Are you feeding an army?

珍妮和她男友犒赏自己,去吃了一顿大餐。Jenny and her boyfriend treated themselves to a nice dinner.

你可以享受你的单身时光,并且借此犒赏自己一下。You can enjoy the moment alone, and give yourself a present.

下周就起程,犒赏三军出征!I will hold the military parade and we must depart next week!

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运气是上帝犒赏艰苦努力的人的最好礼物。Luck is a gift gives by God to him who made a sincere effort.

这犒赏会刺激你去完成剩下的任务。Rewards will increase your motivation to accomplish your goals.

参赛者纷至沓来,我真心希望能够犒赏每一个参与者。So many people entered and I really wish I could reward everybody.

学会奖赏自己,一旦获得成功就要犒赏一下自己。Reward your successes. As soon as you achieve something reward yourself.

达到目标后犒赏下自己,接着再制订下一个。Reward yourself with a treat when you reach your goals and set another one.

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最终测试者回过神儿来,给亚历克斯以应得的犒赏。Eventually the examiner comes to her senses, and Alex gets the reward he deserves.

只要你在规定期间内完成重要任务,就给自己一点犒赏。Whenever you complete important tasks within a stipulated period, give yourself a little treat.

梅雷迪思说他们早上起来通常会吃一些谷类,水果和蔬菜,再加上一个番薯作为犒赏。Meredith says they usually start the day with grains, fruit, vegetables and, as a treat, a sweet potato.

一把犒赏自己的椅子,一杯茶一本书……一个慵懒的下午,有如卧于山水间。This lounge chair remind you of a lazy afternoon which you had spent with one good book and a cup of tea.

当你成功完成一项任务或测验顺利时就犒赏一下自己。When you get an assignment or test deadline, right then and there, decide on a reward for completing it successfully.

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犒赏自己,让我们在寸土寸金的北京,在最繁华的地段,享受家的感觉,体验另一种完美的生活方式。It is time to reward ourselves with a perfect life experience, a feeling of home at the most prosperousspot in Beijing.

那个人为自己的勇气感到高兴,并认为如果再犒赏自己喝上一杯也不为过。The man felt pleased for his courage , and did not think it would be too much if he treated himself with another drink.

偶尔,你应该为自己购买一份应得的礼物,或是美美地吃它一顿丰富美味大餐,以示对自己的犒赏。Once in a while, you should reward yourself by buying yourself a well-deserved gift or treating yourself to a good hearty meal.