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哦,对不起。我的手粘乎乎的。Oh, I'm sorry. My hands are sticky.

它们往往是粘乎乎黑糊糊的一团,可以是各种形状。It's a blob and can be of any shape.

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而心理上的粘乎乎则更糟糕。But being psychologically clingy iseven worse.

粘乎乎的太妃糖弄得我的牙齿很不舒服。The sticky toffee made my teeth uncomfortable.

而心理上的粘乎乎则更糟糕。But being psychologically clingy is even worse.

瘦病鸡快速地啄粘乎乎的粗棍。The thin sick chicken picks the thick sticky stick quickly.

在西班牙的一座小镇,一切都变得红彤彤,粘乎乎。In one Spanish town , everything is turning up red and squishy!

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夏季人们感到皮肤粘乎乎的是因为相对湿度很高。In summer people feel sticky in that relative humidity is quite high.

无论摸哪里,都是粘乎乎的油烟,叫人难受。No matter where feel, it is to stick lampblack, call a person afflictive.

甜菜由撕离开一部奇怪地粘乎乎的塑料电影仅仅是可存取的。The dessert is only accessible by tearing off a strangely gooey plastic film.

无论是生的还是熟的,新鲜的明虾闻起来都要是新鲜干净,看起来不能是腥气,粘乎乎湿哒哒的。Fresh prawns, whether raw or cooked, should smell fresh and clean, not fishy, and should look moist.

出产于地中海一带,这种植物看起来就像一团粘乎乎的、灰绿色老鼠尾巴。Native to the Mediterranean, this water plant looks like a bundle of slimy, greyish-green rat tails.

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这培养物是一果冻样聚块,看上去有些象薄饼或海绵,粘乎乎,浅灰色。The culture is a jelly-like mass, looking somewhat like a pancake or sponge, slimy and grayish in color.

飞梭摩托向后反弹,撞上他们身后的树干,然后又向前冲去,挂在粘乎乎的蜘蛛网上。The swoop boomeranged backward, crashed into the tree trunk behind them, then shot forward again, caught in the sticky web.

玫瑰花丛仍然坚持绽放美丽的玫瑰花,而蜗牛也始终进他粘乎乎的小窝里休息——这个世界和他没有关系!The rose-bush keeps giving beautiful roses, while the snail keeps retiring into his slimy house – the world is nothing to him!

蜂蜜自然是他的特别所爱,他会把蜂蜜厚厚地涂在面包和黄油上,或咯吱咯吱地咬着蜂巢,直到粘乎乎的糖汁顺着他的下巴流下来。Honey, of course, he loved especially, slathered on bread And butter Or crunched in the comb until the sticky goo ran down his chin.

由于骨头需要更长时间才能烧完,故尸体烧到最后通常只剩下骨头,骨头四周则包裹着粘乎乎的一层焦肉残渣,这就是典型的烧焦尸体的解剖模式。Bone takes longer to burn, so by the end the skeleton is usually laid bare like a charred anatomical model, coated in the greasy residue of burned flesh.

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无论是生的还是熟的,新鲜的明虾闻起来都要是新鲜干净,看起来不能是腥气,粘乎乎湿哒哒的。不要吃那些壳破掉或者干干的虾。Fresh prawns, whether raw or cooked, should smell fresh and clean, not fishy, and should look moist. Avoid any that look dry or that have broken or cracked shells.

内含高效胶化层的卫生巾,可把渗入的液体凝结成啫喱状,受压后不回渗,表面没有粘乎乎的感觉。The sanitary napkin with high effective gel layer can congeal the infiltrating liquid to jelly, not flow back after pressing, and you won't feel sticky on the surface.

从约旦穿越边界,“在巴勒斯坦的门槛”,他必须在检查站里等几个小时,检查站里“汗水粘乎乎地不断淌出来”,空气热浪灼人。Crossing the border from Jordan, "at the threshold of Palestine", he must wait for hours at checkpoints where "sweat oozes with sticky insistence" and the air is fried.