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重新组织自己面临的状况。Reframe the situation.

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组织搜索队。Organize a search team.

也参加过由耶鲁组织去那儿的旅游I did a Yale trip there.

将组织平面化。Flatten the organization.

目前,这个网上组织已有646名成员了。The group has 646 members.

这是一个亲美组织。This is a pro-U. S. group.

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形成茧或皮肤的硬结组织。Form a callus or callus es.

加入一个组织-或者几个。Join a group -- or several.

安全工作压力组织的成员来了。Members of the SWP arrived.

该组织名为ASRI。The group is known as ASRI.

他们是大麻烦海事组织。They are in big trouble imo.

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谁组织的讨论会?Who organizes the Colloquium?

世界银行是否资助公民社会组织?Does the World Bank fund CSOs?

您是如何组织项目团队的?How do you organize your team?

这将使环保组织失望。This will dismay green groups.

世卫组织对疫苗进行了资格预审。WHO pre-qualified the vaccine.

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中间组织的作用。Function of inter-organization.

“组织发展”在中国还是一门新崛起的学科。O. D. is a late comer to China.

短信会消耗非营利组织的经费Texting Costs Non-Profits Money