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奇妙吧What a world, huh?

奇妙的引用,他想到。Good quote, he thinks.

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湖泊奇妙无比。This lake was wonderful.

它是一个奇妙的爱情故事。It is a fantastic love story.

还可以使它奇妙点儿。You can get a little fancier.

幻觉的奇妙世界。A wondrous world of phantasms.

这些都是神的奇妙作为。These are the mighty works of God.

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多么奇妙的生活视角啊。What a wonderful perspective on life.

我生活是忙碌和奇妙的。My schoool life is busy and fantastic.

雨丝飘落下来了,奇妙的事发生了。The rain falls, and something happens.

他还建造了奇妙的奎尔公园。He also built the fantastic Park Guell.

这可能会使她发痒,但感觉很奇妙。This might tickle, but it feels divine.

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而奇妙的世界,为什么我们使用凝固汽油弹。And the world wonders why we use napalm.

我就要展开一段奇妙的探险了。I'm about to go on a magical adventure.

它可是一款奇妙的火狐插件。It's a Firefox add-on, and it's magical.

奇妙的乐调立刻吸引了我。The miraculous melody instantly drew me.

这个奇妙的乐器就是月琴。This wonderful instrument is the yu-kin.

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这是灵魂和肉体之间一种奇妙的共鸣!A strange sympathy betwixt soul and body!

他让不同的本性奇妙地混合。From different natures marvellously mix'd.

希望塔罗能带领你享受人生的奇妙旅程。Hope you enjoy your journey through Tarot.