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问题就像健身房里的哑铃。Problems are like the dumbbells at the gym.

这些包括举哑铃和杠铃。These include lifts with dumbbells and barbells.

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对肱二头肌,我推荐哑铃弯举。For biceps I recommend doing dumbbell preacher curls.

拿两本书当作哑铃举到胸前。Using two books as dumbbells, bring them to your chest.

放低哑铃,放下右腿回到双脚并拢姿势。Lower dumbbells and then right leg so feet are together.

这种结构物的顶面观呈哑铃形或“8”字型。The tops of structures assume dumbbell form or "8" shape.

具有按摩、扭腰、哑铃、仰卧起作功能。Have the functions of massage, twist the waist and sit-up.

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杠铃和哑铃都是经典的力量训练工具。Barbells and dumbbells are classic strength training tools.

蹲坐时手掌向脸部移动,双臂屈伸举哑铃。With your palms facing in, curl the dumbbells as you squat.

添加哑铃深蹲练习,使它们更难做。Adding dumbbells to squat exercises makes them harder to do.

在移动到最上方的时候,不要让哑铃碰到一起。Don't smack the dumbbells together at the top of the movement.

起重壶铃有比解除哑铃不同的感觉。Lifting kettlebells has a different feel than lifting dumbbells.

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曲臂,将哑铃提至肩的前部。Bend the arm to bring the weight up to the front of the shoulder.

如何正确行使在这免费视频哑铃死升降机。How to properly do dumbell dead lifts in this free exercise video.

这款哑铃状闹钟让你的一天从健身开始!This dumbbell-style alarm clock wants to start your day off right!

仰躺下,双手各抓一个哑铃或者拉缆。Lie on your back and grasp a dumbbell or cable handles in each hand.

在我去举25磅的哑铃前,我必须先举起20磅的哑铃。I have to master the 20-lb dumbbells before I can progress to 25 lbs.

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通风井的哑铃物业单位,纽约市采取从屋顶,钙,。Airshaft of a dumbbell tenement, New York City, taken from the roof, ca.

然后你可以在你的颈后增加一个固定的哑铃或是杠铃。Then you can add dumbbells or a barbell resting on the back of your neck.

许多涉及不同的重量训练程序使用的标准哑铃。Many different weight training routines involve the use of standard dumbbells.