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没有诗人可以抒怀。No poet can poet it.

于是,我想了许多,大概是些细微的抒怀,但我却又如此真实和诚恳。So, I think a lot of, presumably a slight lyrical, but I'm so real and sincere.

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融装潢性、诗化的、曲线的形式和抒怀主题为一体的艺术。A style with ornamental, poetic, louboutin, curvilinear forms and lyrical themes.

娱乐、抒怀与社交是词的主要功能。The main functions of Ci are entertainment, emotion expression and social association.

在他的饮酒抒怀词中,我们经常能够发现他在饮酒的背后所蕴含的深厚情意。In his Wine-drinking Ci we can discover his deep passion through surface of wine-drinking.

而十月在时令上是作为一种收获回归的抒怀,播撒未来的希望。While in October the season is the return of poetry as a harvest, sow hope for the future.

爱情抒怀诗的主题不知不觉已开始在他脑子里活跃。Without deliberately thinking about it, MOTIFS for love-lyrics began to agitate his brain.

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中国古典文学中存在大量登楼抒怀的作品。It is well known that large quantities of lyric works about tower-ascending are presented in classical literature.

中老年人常通过合唱、歌舞的形式参与音乐活动,以达强身健体、寄曲抒怀之用。The old people sing and dance together to participate in music campaign in order to strong body , express feeling.

其创作或者是抒怀泄愤的自我安抚,或者是阿谀媚主的进身之阶。Their creativity and poetry to vent their anger or self-comfort, or flattery-mei into the body of the Lord's order.

这些诗或直接咏叹牡丹的形貌之美,或借花抒怀,托物寓意。These poems, or the appearance of a direct chant the beauty of peony, or by flowers and poetry, care material implication.

遇花便想赋诗,见蝶便想入画,观云便想抒怀,赏月便想留墨。In case of flowers will want to compose, he wanted to see the butterfly painting, clouds to poetry, the moon will want to keep ink.

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有劳动歌曲,是渔民在行船时,为了消除疲劳,调节情绪而演唱的歌曲,内容以即兴抒怀为主。Labour song is a music performed by fishermen to dissipate fatigue when they are sailing a boat, and focuses on the express of improvisational emotion.

他善用传奇叙事、善于营造悲剧,贵在修辞表达、精于细腻抒怀,表现出艺术笔法的多元特色。His novel reflects that reality is most important. He is adept in telling short story, constructing tragedy which depicts multi-characteristics of art style.

进入南宋,国事变迁,词的创作与传播环境发生变化,抒怀言志成为词的主要功能之一。When it comes to southern Song, the social environment and communication condition changed a lot, therefore, feeling and ambition expression became one of the functions of Ci.