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凯特和艾丽丝工作艳情呼叫中心。Kate and Alice work at the Erotic Call Center.

但是,长期以来彭孙遹被人们定位为“艳情专家”,其作品也没有得到充分的研究。However, he has long been labelled as "an adept at pornography", and his works were not treated properly.

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迷惘、失落中,他们普遍回归自我,在艳情或闲适中安顿心灵,寻求安慰,齐梁浮靡诗风再度受到青睐。Bewildered and lost, they generally returned to self and tried to seek comfort in love affairs or leisure.

宫体诗是在南朝梁代中期流行的一种以描绘女色与艳情为主体的文学形式。Gongti Poem is a genre of literary whose principal parts of description are women and their amorous affairs.

明清艳情文学繁盛的历史原因主要表现在五个方面。There are five main historical reasons for the prevalence of sexual love literature during Ming & Qing dynasties.

就笔者的视力所及,关于日本的艳情文学模式,很少有专门的分析。On the author's eyesight in one's power , about the amorous literature mode of Japan , seldom has special analysis.

因此,笔者认为宫体诗作为吴歌、西曲娱乐性和艳情特征肆意发展的产物,两者间有着复杂而直接的关系。The author believes Dynasty poems are the products of the extreme development of Wu Songs and entertaining West Music.

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言情、侦探、恐怖、艳情、古装、武侠等类型成为上海电影市场的主控形态。The genres such as romance, detective, horror, steamy, historical and swordsman dominated the film market in Shanghai.

宋玉的女性意识使其赋在描写女性题材方面成了文人艳情文学的百代祖。Songyu's ode becomes the primogenitor of eroticism literature in describing female theme due to her female consciousness.

不论哪一类,形式上已跳出宫体艳情诗“酥软”的窠臼,炼就了昂扬的“战斗筋骨”。No matter which kinds of poem, it has broken away from the'glamorous and weak'form of palace poems, formed fighting bones and muscles.

本章第三节主要通过对比文人笔下吴歌西曲与文人艳情诗的不同来展示吴歌西曲的特点。Section III of this chapter shows the characteristics of"Wuge Xiqu"by comparing the difference of"Wuge Xiqu"and songs owning to the erotic poems.

艳情在日本和印度是文学理论或美感中的一个重要概念,并形成了相应的文学传统。For Japan and India , it is an important concept in literature theory or the aesthetic feeling, having formed the corresponding literature tradition.

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宋代游仙词与宋代游仙诗相比有着很大的不同,主要侧重于艳情以及现实功用。The Ci poetry about immortals is transversely compared with the poetry about immortals and emphasizes on the subject of love affairs and practicality.

只有通过认真审视和深入比较,才能更清晰、准确也更客观和全面地把握这两个重要艳情诗人及其艳情诗篇。Careful analysis and in-depth comparison are needed to have a clearer, more accurate and objective understanding of the two poets and their erotic poems.

你可以切一条肢体煮来吃并把它当作一种艳情游戏的组成部分,就像城郊那些百无聊赖的情侣们用舌头给对方的生殖器清理蛋奶沫。You could cook a severed limb and eat it as part of an erotic game, much the same as bored suburban couples lick whipped cream off each other's genitalia.

房中术对中晚唐文人艳情意识的催化有着重要作用,进而促成了艳情诗在中晚唐的勃兴。The sexual skill has great impact on poetic love consciousness of the poets, and thus promotes the love poems prosperity in the mid-late period of Tang Dynasty.

而不同类型的婉约词又具有各自不同的审美方式,如寄言派的深婉、艳情派的直露和自然派的纯朴等。As the true style of a word, it takes pure beauty in speech and feeling as the distinctive aesthetic means, but different gentle words have their own aesthetic means.

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第二,从道教思想对唐代文化氛围与社会心理的影响方面着手,说明晚唐五代仙道艳情词的形成原因。Number two, it shows how the fairy-love lyrics caused through studying the influence of the Taoism impart the cultural atmosphere and societal mentality of the Tang Dynasty.

宋玉对女性的认同,成就了他在中国文学史上艳情文学始祖的地位,也给后人留下了诟病的口实。Song Yu's understanding of the female resulted in his pioneer's position in erotic literature in the Chinese literary history, but left a cause for gossip for later generations.

多恩艳情诗的语言张力和意象张力入手,分析了这两种张力在文本内部的构建。This article, taking the language and image tensions in John Donne s erotic poems as a cutting point, intends to show the construction process of these two tensions in those poems.