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遇见你是我最美丽的意外!识时务者为俊杰前事不忘后事之师!Don't try to hard. the best things come. when you least except them to.

伊朗必须识时务地认真而紧迫地采取行动。Iran must act with the seriousness and sense of urgency that this moment demands.

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司机识时务地眯着眼向前望着,把汽车速度加快了一些。The driver squinted judiciously ahead and built up the speed of the truck a little.

识时务者为俊杰。Those who let themselves be guided by the current course of events are real heroes.

如果说发现机遇是识时务,而把握好机遇方为俊杰。If we take finding opportunity as foresight, then grasping opportunity is a person of outstanding talent.

你很少有机会这么说一家足球俱乐部,但曼联确实有识时务的名声。It is not often you can say this about a football club, but Manchester United have a reputation for discernment.

多么识时务啊,反对政治谋杀,应该干扰主要交易。What kind of dainty Political Correctness, objecting to political murders, should interfere with major business deals.

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当被问及他对俄罗斯民主的看法时,布什不识时务地顾左右而言他,表扬了目前伊拉克民主的发展。Asked about his view of democracy in Russia, Mr Bush unwisely veered off to praise the development of democracy in Iraq.

精明的公司知道何处可以留出分歧的空间,同时,识时务的分歧者也明白如何才能在公司自保生存。Clever corporations know where to allow latitude to mavericks, but clever mavericks know how to survive in corporations.

到了一九四七年春天,比较识时务的地主意识到,要想继续保留他们的财产已是不可能的了,也只好无可奈何任花落去。By the spring of 1947, the more farsighted landowners saw they could not hope to keep their estates. They did not even try to.

这畜牲,风雪天躲在山洞里舔他的玄毛,晴日里就光灿灿奔出来,识时务,是灵兽。When it snows this creature stays inside the cave to groom his fur. When the sun comes out, it emerges shiny and sleek. It knows about changing with the weather. This is a clever beast.