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一个街舞博物馆,街舞的发源地是布朗克斯,还是一个室内游乐园?An indoor amusement park?

普罗旺斯是香水业的发源地。Provence is the home of perfumery.

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中国不愧是茶叶的发源地。China is truly the hometown of tea.

它过去曾是文明的发源地。It used to be a cradle of civilization.

苏州是核雕发源地。Suzhou is the birthplace of nut-carving.

黄河是中国文化的发源地。Huanghe is the cradle of Chinese culture.

这个湖是Il’chir河的发源地。This lake is the source of the River Il’chir.

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萧山是浙江文明的发源地。Xiaoshan is the cradle of Zhejiang civilization.

中国是龙狮运动的发源地。China is home to the Dragon Dance and Lion Dance.

早期的重庆邮电学院中国顶级电子人才发源地。Early CUPT the birthplace of China's tope-people.

亚洲是人类的发源地之一。Asia is one of the places where mankind originated.

英国是自由贸易思想的发源地,亚当?Britain is the birthplace of the idea of free trade.

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中国是大枣、瓷器等的发源地。China is the home of dates, pottery and some others.

在美国,纽奥尔良是法国菜的发源地。New Orleans is the home of French cuisine in America.

荆州是中国龙舟文化的发源地。Jingzhou is the origin of Chinese dragon boat culture.

维也纳被称为是西方经典音乐的发源地。Vienna is said to be a birthplace for classical music.

山南还是藏戏和藏医藏药的发源地。Shanan is also the origin of Tibetan Opera and medicine.

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而扬州恰是淮扬菜的中心和主要发源地。Yangzhou is just the center and home of Jiangsu cuisine.

克里特岛是古代爱琴文化发源地。Crete Island is the cradle of the ancient Aegean culture.

希腊民主的诞生地,也是戏剧的发源地。GREECE is not only the cradle of democracy, but of drama.