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这是很累人的工作。It is very tiring work.

这段路又长又累人。It was a long and tiring trip.

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收拾餐桌这份工作十分累人。Busing tables was grueling work.

说到那个蜕皮,相当累人,也相当花时间。Molting was tiring and took a lot of time.

我们旅行的最后一段行程最累人。From Bombay we made a long leg to Singapore.

不过实际上,休闲是个非常累人的过程。But the fact is that, leisureis a very busy thing.

她知道用Firsthand来拖地板是特别累人。She knew firsthand how hard it was to mop the floor.

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但它也是最累人,难掌握。But it's also the most tiring and dificult to master.

是的,真累人。我昨天刚回来。给你,你的礼物。Yes, so tired. I went back yesterday. Here you are, your gift.

每天来往于伦敦与布赖顿之间真是累人。It's really tiring commuting from Brighton to London every day.

好哇,这样我就可以暂时忘却累人的工作了。Yes, I can have a break from all this tired work in the office.

装配线的工作通常会极端无聊而累人。Working on an assembly line can be incredibly boring and tiring.

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但是如果没有机器的帮忙,剥花生壳是一件非常繁琐累人的工作。But getting them out of their shells is tiring without a machine.

这活儿一小时一小时地高速干下去是非常累人的。It was exhausting work, carried on, hour after hour, at top speed.

由台北到纽约的长途飞行是很累人的。The long-haul flight from Taipei to New York is really exhausting.

为完成任务而工作是累人的,为自己的梦想而努力是刺激的!To work for a task is exhausting. To work for a dream is exciting.

今天开了两场有点累人但很有意思的智力激励会议。Today, I had two exhausting, yet interesting, brainstorming sessions.

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要知道大多数男的会觉得大眼瞪小眼的对话最为累人。Most men feel more comfortable when they're not looking directly at you.

随身带着一大堆干粮、氧气瓶、笨重的衣服,那多累人啊!It is very tired to carry a lot of food, oxygen bottle and thick clothes.

所以如果你认为制定计划是一件累人的事情,那么把一些不适合的事情清除掉吧。So if you’re finding planning a chore, then clearly something isn’t right.