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分散式团队。Distributed teams.

到底什么事物能让你的注意力分散呢?What distracts you?

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不要分散精力。Don't scatter your strength.

他用谈话分散她的注意力。He distracted her with talk.

我要使他们分散在雅各伯内。I will divide them in Jacob.

作为一个群体,他们是分散的。As a group, they are atomized.

责任被分散出去了。Responsibility becomes diffuse.

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有些则会分散注意Sometimes they are distracting.

财力分散。Financial resources are dispersed.

我们生活在一个注意力分散的时代。We live in the age of distraction.

看来没法子分散你的注意力。I see you are not to be distracted.

好,答案有点分散了Okay, kind of an interesting spread.

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犹太人分散在世界各地。The Jews are scattered over the world.

但是喊叫声分散对手的注意力了吗?But does grunting distract an opponent?

除去周围分散你注意力的事物。Get rid of the distractions around you.

人群分散开好让他们通过。The crowd had parted to let them through.

亚洲是一个高度分散且极具差异性的市场.这里大多数都是小企业.It's a very fragmented and diverse market.

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搜索队在荒草地分散行动。The search party spread out over the moor.

你可以说一段时间内会更加分散。You cound say more fragmented for a while.

与美国相对分散的州教育体系不同,法国是高度集中地教育体系。Understand the system's centralized nature.