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他总是糊里糊涂的。He always goofs off.

我的脑子糊里糊涂的。My brain's in a fuddle.

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他已喝得糊里糊涂了。He's been hazed by drinking.

他糊里糊涂地走进了墓地。He walked numbly into the cemetery.

带inlaw的词总是把我搞得糊里糊涂的.I'm always confused by the "inlaw"s

至此,我的回答似乎还是让人感到糊里糊涂。The answer seems to be as confusing as ever.

糊里糊涂中,我开始登山。Despite my confusion, I ascended the mountain.

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我糊里糊涂读完了五年级和中学。I mooned my way through grade and high school.

她给了我那么多指示,把我弄得糊里糊涂。She gave me so many instructions that I got muddled up.

你最好别把我弄得糊里糊涂,而是把实情告诉我。You'd better not muddle me about, but tell me the truth.

我的好多时间都糊里糊涂的混过去了,“少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。”I just goofed off a lot. "A young idler, and old beggar."

不然,小助手们可能就糊里糊涂把你圣诞愿望搞错了。Otherwise the little helpers might get your wish muddled up.

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玛莉糊里糊涂的,她总是忘东忘西。Mary is such a scatterbrain that she always forgets something.

老板一下子给了我那么多指示,把我弄得糊里糊涂。The boss gave me so many instructions at one time that I got puzzled.

今天有点发烧,糊里糊涂。想哪写哪。I have fever today maybe, I am muddleheaded, just wrote what I though.

我的好多时间都糊里糊涂的混过去了,“少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。”Too much time has been spent lavishly. "a young idler, an old beggar."

有计划的人通常来说比那些糊里糊涂混日子的人做得好。People with plans generally do better than those who just muddle along.

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我认为占卜课好象糊里糊涂的,有许多地方是靠猜的,要是你问我的话。I think Divination seems very woolly . A lot of guesswork, if you ask me.

老板一下子给了我那么多指示,把我弄得糊里糊涂。The boss gamme me so many instructions at one time that I got muddled up.

不,她是个糊里糊涂的姑娘,永远也不会成为一名科学家。No, she is such a muddle-headed girl that she'll never become a scientist.