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其次,中国需要一带一路。Next, China needs OBOR.

这一带的环境不错。This is a nice neigborhood.

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这一带你看到有吗?Have you seen any around here?

不行,这一带禁止停车。No, , this is a no-parking zone.

我们在林肯郡一带确实有养猪。Of course we do in Lincolnshire.

我是在这一带地方把它丢掉的。I droped it somewhere about here.

你可以巧妙地一带而过,约翰。You can skate on this one , John.

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他对他所犯的错误一带而过。He skated over the mistakes he made.

苍鹭也栖息在这一带。The place is also inhabited by herons.

但一带一路因为三大原因而显得相当重要。But OBOR matters for three big reasons.

内利先生在这一带很有影响力。Mr. Neely has a lot of clout around here.

沿岸一带都布置了监视哨。Lookouts were spotted all along the coast.

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我的周围一带确实盖满了房子。My neighbourhood has really been built up.

书桌位于窗前,窗外是城市景观,望向心斋桥一带。Working table by the window with city view.

他挥师直捣尼罗河三角洲一带。He directed his troops toward the Nile Delta.

我不能靠边。这一带不能停车。I can't pull over. This is a no-parking area.

这一带最适宜种小麦。This area is most suitable for growing wheat.

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我们在这一带小有名气。Well, we are kind of well-known in this area.

他们将部队重新部署在沿海滨一带。They redeployed the troops along the seashore.

浮冰对这一带的航运是一种威胁。Ice-floes are a threat to shipping in the area.