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那些歹徒打伤了受害人。Those guys striked the victim.

那…这个受害人是个体育赌徒么?Your victim's a sports bettor ?

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那些歹徒打伤了受害人。The gangsters struck the victim.

然后受害人就跟你走进去了?And you just walk your victims in?

受害人被窒息致死。The victim was smothered to death.

我们是翰轩棋社的受害人。We are the victims of John Hin Qishe.

受害人去向警方告发了。The victim beefed and went to the police.

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随之而来的就是释放了受害人思维。With that came loosing the victim mentality.

并且,首先要弄清楚,什么是无受害人的犯罪?。And what is a victimless crime to begin with?

刑事救济规定对受害人进行充分补偿。The act expressly provides for injunctive relief.

的确,被判有罪者往往是罹难者的受害人Yea, the guilty is oftentimes the victim of the injured

他就是用这把刀谋杀了受害人。This is the very knife which he used to murder the victim.

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当入狱期限被读出时,法庭中的受害人鼓起掌来。Victims in the courtroom clapped as the term was read out.

敲诈者从受害人身上榨取了大量金钱。The blackmailer milked his victims of huge amounts of money.

受害人的女儿被判17年有期徒刑。The victim's daughter was sentenced to 17 years behind bars.

就是查尔斯·庞兹的受害人都要回了三分之一的资金。Even Charles Ponzi's victims got a third of their money back.

最终凶手被逮捕,为所有的受害人讨回公道。Final murderer is arrested, get back justice for all victims.

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性骚扰者和受害人并非仅限于某单一性别。The victim can be any gender. The harasser can be any gender.

该所民警立即将嫌疑人和受害人带至所内调查。The the police immediately suspect and the victim to by survey.

受害人是个白种人女性,大概在二十五岁。Victim is Caucasian female, approximately twenty-five years old.