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创建只有骨架的应用程序。Create a bare-bones application.

大楼被烧得只剩下空骨架。The building was burned to a shell.

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我这把伞的骨架是金属制的。He frame of my umbrella is made of metal.

那么我要先把骨架重新写在这。So I'm just going to re-draw my skeleton.

骨架中配以橡胶压条。Rubber trim strip is equipped in the bone.

纵骨架式双底结构。Longitudinally-framed double bottom structure.

这片建筑还只是仅有主梁的骨架。The block is still just a skeleton of girders.

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老百姓都称其为“骨架电话机”。The common people called it ‘skeleton-telephone’.

其骨架显示没有任何疾病或是外伤。The skeleton showed no sign of disease or injury.

“它是外骨架增强,”Dagher博士说。“It’s exoskeleton reinforcement, ” Dr. Dagher said.

只能看到一些建筑物的骨架还站着。Only a few skeletons of buildings are shown standing.

为了了解肩膀,请看一下人体骨架的外观。To understand the shoulder, look at a human skeleton.

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皮肤紧巴巴地绷在骨架子上。His skin was stretched drum-tight over his bony frame.

鸡的骨架可以熬成鸡汤。The chicken carcass can be rendered down to make stock.

本文讨论了肌动蛋白微丝骨架在细胞融合过程中的作用。The role of actin filaments was discussed in this paper.

目的合成香豆素基本骨架化合物。Aim To synthesize compounds with coumarins basic skeleton.

现在它们的骨架永远地留在了博物馆的陈列架上。Now their skeleton forever has kept on museum Chen Liejia.

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目的制备神衰果素亲水凝胶缓释骨架片。OBJECTIVE To prepare the helicid hydrophile matrix tablet.

微绒毛活动的支撑骨架为微丝。The microfilament is the skeletal structure of microvilli.

这种结构似乎一直以来都是海水和空气的骨架。They are, as it were, the skeletons of the sea and the air.