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国际性职位应该任人唯贤。International posts should be filled according to merit.

只有任人唯贤,印度才能取得发展。India can develop only if jobs are provided on merit and not caste.

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我军任人唯贤的干部路线是党的任人唯贤干部路线在军队的贯彻和运用。The Army's cadre appointment by merits policy is the application of the Party's cadre line.

坚持五湖四海、任人唯贤,是我们党性质和宗旨的必然要求。To place cadres on merits without regard to their origins is dictated by our Party's nature and goal.

十个人里就有九个说,如果军队多一些任人唯贤,许多最优秀的军官就会留下。According to 9 out of 10 respondents, many of the best officers would stay if the military was more of a meritocracy.

孔子的人才主张很全面,基本上形成了我国古代最早的任人唯贤的人才学思想体系,同时也是社会大变革在孔子思想上的反映。At the same time he also put forword that it was difficult to find the talent people. Confucian thought was very abundant.

我们重申,一个开放的,任人唯贤的和透明的过程为世界银行集团的主席选择的重要性。We reiterate the importance of an open, merit-based and transparent process for the selection of the President of the WBG.

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坚持任人唯贤,是加强和改进党的作风建设的组织保证。Sticking to promoting Party cardres on their merits is an organizational guarantee for improving the building of the Party style.

由于斗争环境以及主观认识的局限,军队中任人唯贤干部路线的形成和发展,经历了一个较长的历吏过程。Because of the circumstances and the limited subjective cognition, its formation and development in the army underwent a long time.

我们的传统必须凝聚成为新加坡人独有的特性,并具有任人唯贤、互相容忍和建立共识的核心价值观。Our heritage must be congealed into a distinct Singapore identity with such core values as meritocracy, tolerance and consensus-developing.

在马其顿,在公务员聘用方面开展了行政改革,任人唯贤的比例提高了三分之二以上。In Macedonia, when administrative reforms were introduced in civil service recruitment, merit-based appointments increased by more than two-thirds.

故在毕业将至,结合自身情况,毛遂自荐,我相信,贵公司会任人唯贤,知人善用。Therefore in the graduation to, will unify own situation, will volunteer services, I will believe, your firm will be able to appoint people on merit, knows the person friendly to use.