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然后我就这样看你开着我的船扬长而去?And I watch my words from a long way off.

然后将那文章背诵一遍,扬长而去!Then recites that article, swaggers away!

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石洞的门关上了。强盗们扬长而去。The stone door closes. The thieves go away.

街上一个无家可归的人向你要钱,你扬长而去。Ignoring a homeless person who asks for money.

四十盗贼偷完东西扬长而去。The Forty Thieves stole everything and rode away.

有个人把一杯咖啡摔在地上后就扬长而去。One employee threw a cup of coffee and walked out.

接着,几台摩托车扬长而去,留下阵阵的引擎声。Then, several motorcycle march off, leaving the engine sound.

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然后将那文章背诵一遍,扬长而去!Kind of level does read? Then recites that article, swaggers away!

不料想,那几个人看见他,一阵大笑之后扬长而去。To his surprise, when these people saw him, they stalked off laughing.

看了看那位目瞪口呆的学生,教授扬长而去。Professor looked at the flabbergasted student and proceeded on his way.

教授看了看那个目瞪口呆的学生,扬长而去。The professor have a look at the flabbergasted student, then swaggered off.

卢平接过斯内普递来的药,刚刚送到嘴边,那个魔药专家就扬长而去了。The potion expert swaggered away as soon as Lupin took the bowl, set it to his lips.

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剽窃者抢夺正版的智慧财产权后,快步扬长而去。After Plagiarist snatched Genuine's Intellectual Property Rights, he walk away quickly.

看着王莉铁青的脸,陈勇军心头涌上一阵报复的快感,他哼着小调扬长而去。Seeing Wang's unhappy face, Chen felt very delighted at his revenge. He went away singing.

到那时,那两个亡者将会与他们所追求的一起扬长而去,连同他们的盔甲。By then, both the revenants and those they pursued would be long gone, the armor with them.

一个粗鲁的司机抢了你的道并扬长而去,要尽量当场就控制住你的怒火。A rude driver who just cut you off has left the scene-work to put your anger on hold right then and there.

偶尔有个陌生人路过这里,看见这一小群人,拿出一枚硬币,然后就扬长而去。Only now and then a stranger passing noticed the small group, handed out a coin, and went away, unheeding.

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所以,奥巴马应该重新考虑一下他那过于干脆的决定,即让前任政府带着罪恶扬长而去。So Mr. Obama should reconsider his apparent decision to let the previous administration get away with crime.

然后和律师挤进了一辆萨尼租车公司租来的黑色轿车中,沿着格林大道扬长而去。Then the lawyer and his client piled into a black car from Sunny’s limousine service and drove off down Green Street.

“下次你要做任何修改时,先问问我。”说完,他转身扬长而去,撇下气炸了肺的我。"Next time you want to change anything, ask me first, " he said, turning on his heels and leaving me stewing in anger.