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世界在人类堕落之前本是一块福地。The world was blessed place before the Fall.

在某一处有一个新的世界,他们称之为福地。There is a world somewhere they call the promised land.

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名是佛国净土,实是人间福地。The pure land of buddha was actually a good place on earth.

在某一处有一个新的世界,他们称之为福地。There is a new world somewhere they call the promised land.

首先,随着中国经济的高速发展,中国日益成为企业家的福地。China's fast growing economy means fortune for entrepreneurs.

然而,要将这个地方变为生财福地却被证明是相当艰难的。But turning the place into a source of income has proved hard.

中国十大文化生态旅游目的地潇洒桐庐,富春江畔的山水福地。Tonglu, the Landscape and fortune area at the bank of Fuchun River.

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被人流放,机器在自己的福地寻求庇护。Banished from humanity, the machines sought refuge in their own promised land.

福地广场为70米高的双子塔建筑外形,恢宏大气。The architectural appearance of focus plaza is a high 70 meters′Grand double sub-tower.

他得等着瞧瞧,在这个奥妙无穷的洞天福地里,他究竟能得到多大的好处。He must wait and see just how much he would make here in this perfectly marvelous realm.

5000年玉文化孕育的祥云瑞气,注定这是一处投资创业的福地。Liangzhu is blessed by the jade culture of 5000 years as a treasured land for investment and business.

尼泊尔,一个神圣的地方,历史上瑜珈修行者的福地,是瑜珈静修的理想空净之地。Nepal provides an idle environment for yoga retreat as it is a holy place, blessed by yogis of the past.

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鉴于伦敦的位置,乔治推测这个“福地”能够吸引欧洲的大量歌迷。Given its London location, George observed the venue has the potential to attract fans from across Europe.

屏岩洞府素有“江南第一洞天”之称,为道家修行之福地。The Rocky Grotto enjoys a fame of the "No. 1 Fairyland in South China", which is a blessed paradise for Taoists.

中间体5和9经环合、成盐反应制得盐酸依福地平。After cyclization between intermediates 9 and 5, and salt formation, efonidipine hydrochloride could be obtained.

美哉福地海阔天空,金黄谷物如波,紫翠山岳雄伟神奇,俯视平原肥沃!O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain, For purple mountain majesties, Above the fruited plain!

罗浮山,素有“岭南第一山”、“第七洞天”、“第三十二福地”等诸多美誉,是驰誉国内外的道教、佛教圣地。Luofu Moutain is well-known as the NO. 1 Mountain in South China, the seventh Taoist Place and the 32nd Taoist Land.

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澳门自古以来,就因为地形像一朵莲花,而有了“莲花福地”的称号。The topography of Macao has been like a lotus flower since ancient time and Macao is dubbed the Happy Land of Lotuses.

她也是我国著名的道教圣地,并被称为第七洞天、三十四福地。She is also the famous Taoists Holly Place in our country, enjoying the fame of the Seventh Sky and 34th Treasured Land.

请看这是洞天福地的清泉,我们称为“通天泉”。它一年四季川流不息,象征着朋友们的友谊源远流长。Here is a clear spring of the cave, called "Tongtian Spring". It runs all year round, a symbol of our long-lasting friendship.