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二审法院将择日宣判。Court of second instance will choose a sentencing date.

在中国,真正的斗争往往开始于案件移交到二审上诉法庭之后。In China the fight often begins only once a case hits the appeals court.

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第一部分为刑事二审抗诉制度的现状。The first part is the present situation of the protest of criminal appeal.

马英九的二审始于10月5日,距他在8月14日被低一级法院宣告无罪将近两个月。Ma's second trial began on Oct. 5, nearly two months after he was cleared by a lower court on Aug. 14.

VRM也可以与其他服务器中的VRM二审程序同步运行,以确保数据的备份。The VRM can be synchronized with a second instance of VRM running on another server to provide backup.

第三部分完善我国刑事二审发回重审制度的建议。The three part introduces the opinions of improving the remanding re-trial in the criminal appeal trial.

检察官迅速对Blueford带来的第二次收费,一,二审准备。Prosecutors moved quickly to bring charges against Blueford a second time and readied for a second trial.

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第二部分我国刑事二审发回重审制度存在的问题和原因。The second part introduces the problems and causes of the remanding retrial in the criminal appeal trial.

该县官员拒绝对此置评。二审期间,公诉机关对自己的指控和定罪进行了辩护。County officials declined to comment. During the ap-peal, prosecutors stood by the charges and conviction.

陈希同的上诉理由及二审辩护人的辩护意见不能成立,不予采纳。Chen's grounds of appeal and the views of the second trial the defense counsel can not be set up against it.

被告将上诉至联邦第九巡回上诉法院,不出意外,二审的败诉方还将上诉至最高法院。The case will go to appeal to the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals, and thereafter, possibly to the Supreme Court.

后终在舆论的压力下,二审改判为5年有期徒刑。And in the second instance it was eventually changed to five-year imprisonment owing to the public opposing voice.

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一天,邻居王二审不小心吧钥匙锁家里,很多热心人都来帮忙,但都无济于事。One day, his neighbor Aunt Wang put the key at home and was locked out, many people came to help her, but in vain.

不服气的高某在二审期间居然申请对母猪和自家的猪仔做DNA鉴定。It is not convinced Gao in second trial period applies unexpectedly to the sow and own piglet makes the DNA appraisal.

二审不需要开庭审理的,应当在人民法院指定的期限内提出。Where it is not necessary to hold a session, theyshall be submitted during the time period designated by thepeople's court.

“一事不二审”原则是国际法上的重要原则,该原则在国际司法的各个领域都得到了长足的发展。Ne bis in idem is an important principle of international law, which has greatly developed throughout international justice.

唐宾律师接受某公司的委托,就其不服某中级人民法院劳动争议二审一案向湖北省高级人民法院申请再审。Attorney tang represents it's client to file a petition for retrial of a labour dispute at the Hubei superior People's Court.

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细菌战诉讼案大致经历了准备阶段、起诉阶段、一审阶段、二审阶段、三审阶段,其结果以败诉告终。BW suit experienced generally preparation stage, prosecuting stage, first instance stage, second instance and third instance.

第一部分我国刑事二审发回重审制度的概念和立法价值。The first part introduces the characteristics and the legislation values of the remanding retrial in the criminal appeal trial.

针对二审程序的特点,调整二审出庭检察员在开庭时的工作重心等。Finally, to adjust stress of the procurator's work in the court according to characteristics of proceedings the second instance.