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玛丽知道如何施催眠术。Mary knows how to hypnotize people.

他对这个病人采用了催眠术疗法。He performed hypnotism on this patient.

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催眠术有一些什么样的作用呢?What are some of the uses of hypnotism?

他用催眠术作为治疗的一部分。He uses hypnosis as part of the treatment.

它过去常常绝对地给观众施行催眠术。It used to absolutely mesmerize an audience.

你不可能用催眠术去催眠一个正在喝酒的人。You shouldn't mesmerize anyone who's drinking.

最明显的例子就是催眠术。The most striking example of this is hypnotism.

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催眠术在圣迭戈的公共学校是被禁止的。Hypnotism is banned by public schools in San Diego.

施催眠术让他做出违反本意的事。She hypnotize him into do thing against his own will.

名列前茅五名原因催眠术师不达到成功。The top five reasons hypnotists fail to achieve success.

她给他施催眠术让他做出违反本意的事。She hypnotized him into doing things against his own will.

齐塔人能否说服某人的灵魂或者用催眠术使他这么做?Can zetas convince someone's soul or hypnotize him to do it?

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有任何的方法我们能,我不知道,在外施催眠术我和发现?Is there any way we can, I don't know, hypnotize me and find out?

伟大的催眠术士并不需要甩动怀表的链子。Great hypnotists do not need to swing a pocket watch from a chain.

她去看了一位用催眠术帮她克服恐惧感的精神科医生。She saw a psychiatrist who used hypnotism to help her deal with her fear.

大约从20年前开始,研究人员便尝试运用催眠术来对付这种病。Nearly 20 years ago researchers first tried hypnotherapy for the disorder.

催眠术中最重要的因素是暗示感应性。This correspondence is a strong sign that neutralinos are indeed dark matter.

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达尔茜还看过一位精神科医生,他使用催眠术帮她消除恐惧。Dulcy also saw a psychiatrist who used hypnotism to help her deal with her fear.

辛格自己在剑桥读书时,就学会了催眠术。Singer himself learned how to hypnotise while a student at Cambridge University.

出人意料的是,自我催眠术只要上一次课就可以学会。Surprisingly, the ability to hypnotize yourself can be learnt in a single session.