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他住在一个荒凉的山村里。He lives in a lonely village.

她住在山村里。She lives in a mountain village.

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那个男人住在一个荒凉的山村里。The man lives in a lonely village.

Google称这个山村为‘选择退出村庄’。They call it the 'Opt Out Village'.

他曾住在一个偏僻的山村里。He used to live in a remote village.

寂静的山村,顿时沸腾起来。The quiet village suddenly became astir.

山村的地瓜是我最不能忘怀的。I can't find the root of the sweet potato.

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他们到山村里寻找避难所。They sought refuge in the mountain villages.

一条公路把那个山村和这个城市连接起来了。A road joined the mountain village to the city.

这条小路往下通向那个新兴的山村。This path goes down to the new mountain village.

在那个山村里勇敢的人受到尊敬。The brave are respected in that mountain village.

这位老妇人独自一个人住在那个山村。The old woman lived alone in the mountain village.

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此饭店坐落在一偏远的山村里。The hotel is situated in a remote mountain village.

欢声笑语满山村。The mountain village rang with cheers and laughter.

这个山村不再是以前的老样子了。The mountain village is no longer what it used to be.

如今咱们山村也有了自己的大学生。Now our mountain village has its own college students.

一个年轻人到一个山村去度假。A young man went to a mountain village for his holiday.

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清晨的山村笼罩在雾气之中。The mountain villages were hazed by mist in the morning.

夕烟笼罩着山村。The evening mists are hovering over the mountain village.

山村的地瓜是我最不能忘怀的。Village of the sweet potato is the most I can not forget.