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故土不离不亲,人不离不近。Home from close, people do not close.

红色故土长眠千万壮士英豪。The red land with thousand of heroes sleeping in.

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春天来临时它们振翅飞向北极的故土。When spring comes, they take wing for the Arctic.

埃及一神论法老木乃伊即将返回故土。Mummy of Egypt's monotheist pharaoh to return home.

他太依恋故土,从未考虑过要搬迁到别的州去。He is too root-bound to consider moving to another state.

他们的丛林故土充满了所需要的食物。The forest homeland of the Penan is full of food for them.

我恳请她能给我一匹战马,好让我踏平敌人的庄园,重返故土。And I begged her give me horses to trample down my enemies.

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温州是南戏或南戏的故土。Wenzhou is the hometown of Nanxi Opera or the Southern Opera.

我最终离开故土,去寻找迷雾中失落的小岛。蒂耶鲁正在等着我。At last I depart for lost and fog-shrouded isles. Tieru awaits me.

海角天涯纵踪迹缥缈,魂归故土心可鉴。Longitudinal trail far-off regions ethereal, go native heart mirror.

选择客居,可以说是一种对故土的不忠行为。To choose foreignness is an act of disloyalty to one's native country.

一般地说,没有一个中国人离开故土之后会不打算回去的。Generally speaking, no Chinese leaves his home not intending to return.

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由于远离故土,普鲁丝妮患了思乡病,她非常想见亲爱的妹妹菲勒美拉。Then Procne became homesick and longed to see her dear sister Philomela.

当故土只剩下碧草地,白云飘的回忆。And their memory is only the shadow of a cloud moving across the prairie.

这个曾身在异乡的陌生人,已经在他自己故土成了陌生人。A stranger in the places he visited, he’d become a stranger in his own town.

探讨归国人员在与故土再融合过程中面对的各种挑战的文章也有很多。Much has been written about the challenges that folks face in re-integrating.

移民在到了新国家的头几个星期里,常常思恋故土。Emigrants are often pining for home within weeks of arriving in their new country.

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远在异乡地游子,也借此寄予本身对故土和亲人地怀念之情。In the wandering far away as well as to place their home and loved ones miss them.

只是,她在故土和外地自由穿梭往来没有任何孤寂。Is only, she in native land and outside areas free shuttle intercourse not any alone.

居鲁士大帝于西元前538年允许犹太人返回故土,耶路撒冷圣殿得以修复。Cyrus the Great allowed them to return in 538 BC, the Temple of Jerusalem was rebuilt.