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用日光残忍的灼烧我的肌肤?The cruel daylights upon my skin?

烛影清摇爱,就是一种寂静的灼烧感吧?Love, is a feeling of burning quietly?

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灼烧之后几天,你可能会蜕皮。A few days after burning your skin may peel.

你被血所沾污的发丝灼烧我在一片蛇的海洋。Your bloodstained hair sears me in a sea of snakes.

非洲大地的颜色干燥焦黑,像是陶器上的釉彩,有如经火灼烧过。The colours were dry and burnt. like the colours in pottery.

感觉就像是触碰炉子或热铁块那样的灼烧感。The sensation is a burn like touching a hot stove or an iron.

能治疗和预防大多数的脚癣。缓解瘙痒和灼烧感。Cures and prevents most Athlete's Foot. Relieves Itching and Burning.

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灼烧一个敌人,对其造成11563到13437点火焰伤害,30码距离。1秒施法。Scorches an enemy for 11563 to 13437 Fire damage. 30 yds. 1 sec cast.

他们的轨道离所围绕的恒星太近,以至于可能灼烧其表面。Both have orbits very close to their stars that would sear the surfaces.

我的眼睛在灼烧,肺也在灼烧,我既看不见也无法呼吸。My eyes burned and so did my lungs, and I could neither see nor breathe.

最常见的副反应使皮肤瘙痒及灼烧般的疼痛。The most frequent application site events were skin burning and pruritus.

他上半身严重灼烧,在城内艰难的熬过了那个晚上。He suffered serious burns to his upper body and spent the night in the city.

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一直以来,胃酸都被看作是胃酸倒流、胃灼烧以及其他疾病的罪魁祸首。Stomach acid has long been blamed for acid reflux, heartburn and other ills.

那对学者们来说是个有趣的问题,他所谓“灼烧“是什么意思?That's been an interesting question of scholars, what does he mean by "burn"?

它们会令你窒息,灼烧你,埋葬一切生机,或者将你掩埋在废墟之下。They can asphyxiate you, burn you, bury you alive, or crush you under debris.

这一冲线动作虽为米勒留下了“擦伤和淤肿,些许灼烧感”,但也助巴哈马收获了一枚金牌。It left Miller with "cuts and bruises, a few burns", but also gold for Bahamas.

与其他,像风能、太阳能等可再生能源不同,地球从未停止过灼烧。Unlike other renewables, such as the wind or sun, the Earth's heat never stops.

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高温氧化法是将被污染的膜在约为520℃的温度下直接灼烧。The fouled membrane is burnt directly at approximately 520℃ in the burning method.

在水泥粉煤渣灼烧的过程期间,高潮地相关的气体散发。During the cement clinker burning process, climatically relevant gases are emitted.

研究了灼烧时间对样品上转换发光强度的影响。The influence of calcining time on upconversion luminescence intensity was studied.