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贲门失弛缓症通常发生在年龄25-60岁的成年人。Achalasia typically occurs in adults aged 25-60 years.

我30岁的时候,我被诊断为贲门失弛缓症。I was 30 years old when I was diagnosed with achalasia.

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目的提高对贲门息肉X线诊断水平和检出率。Objective To improve X-ray diagnosis of cardiac polypus.

测压评价食管贲门失弛缓症病人,在1。Manometric evaluation of the esophagus in a patient with achalasia.

目的探讨内镜下气囊扩张治疗贲门失弛缓症的疗效。Aim To evaluate the effect of endoscopic balloon dilation for achalasia.

贲门失弛缓症的发病率约为每年每10万1人。The incidence of achalasia is approximately 1 per 100,000 people per year.

此处有一肌肉环即贲门括约肌围绕着食道。A ring of muscle, the cardiac sphincter, surrounds the esophagus at this point.

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下段食管癌可侵及心包、膈肌、贲门及肝脏左叶。Under esophageal carcinoma can invade and liver, diaphragm, liver and cardiac left lobe.

在糠虾幼虫第一期,胃分为贲门胃和幽门胃两部分。Stomach is composed of two parts, the cardiac and pyloric region, at the first stage of mysis.

从硬件和软件两个方面介绍了微机型贲门音图仪。The hardware and software of the gulp-water cardiophonography based on microcomputer are introduced.

我被诊断为贲门失弛缓症时,我痛苦后症状为一对夫妇年8或9岁。I was diagnosed with achalasia when I was 8 or 9 years old after suffering symptoms for a couple years.

腹腔镜微创手术为贲门失弛缓症下进行了5套管使用全身麻醉。Minimally invasive surgery for achalasia is performed under general anesthesia with the use of 5 trocars.

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目的探讨可回收防反流食管支架对贲门失弛缓症的治疗作用。Objective To explore the curative effects of recycled anti-reflux esophageal stents on cardiac achalasia.

请问贲门失弛缓症,动手术的话,也就是做贲门处做扩张。Excuse me cardia is broken atony disease, if performing an operation, do cardia place to do dilate namely.

虽然我仍然有贲门失弛缓症,我现在可以吞咽和消化食物,因为我的括约肌被永久开放。While I still have the achalasia, I can now swallow and digest food because my sphincter is permanently open.

目的探讨微波热疗加化疗对贲门腺癌预后的影响。Objective To explore the effect of prognosis with microwave hyperthermia in treating the patients with cardiac cancer.

目的研究麻醉胃镜下贲门失弛缓症气囊扩张治疗的效果及患者对治疗的反应。Objective To study on the efficacy and safety of treating achalasia by gastroscopic balloon dilation under anesthesia.

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结论贲门部假性肿瘤是一种由胃悬纤维肌束形成的比较少见的正常X线征像。Conclusion Fake cancer in cardia of stomach is a rare normal X-ray manifestation caused by gastric suspernsory ligament.

每周气囊扩张食管下段及贲门部一次,4次为一疗程。Lower part of the esophagus and the cardia were dilated once a week, 4 sessions constituting a single therapeutic course.

观察发现,罗氏沼虾的贲门胃内无齿,胃壁背、腹面的一定部位有角质板的特殊结构。It was found no any tooth in cardiac stomach, but there were cuticle plates in the dorsal and ventral wall of the stomach.