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接着,鬼使神差,我眨了一下眼。And then, God help me, I wink.

在三个钟头之内,鬼使神差地赶到了。In three hours the devils brought us.

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鬼使神差的,他来到了阿布格莱比。None of it spoke to him. Then came Abu Ghraib.

除非,鬼使神差让他们相信了魔术师的话。Unless, by some chance, they believe in Magic.

鲁特碰到远,于是鬼使神差去了非洲。Flute far, hence unconcioursly met went to Africa.

鬼使神差,我竟糊涂的忘了那天是妈妈的生日。Curious coincidence, I actually confused forget the day my mother's birthday.

他鬼使神差地拿起盐瓶,把它放在一层比较高的。He watched his own hand pick up the salt shaker and place it on one of the higher.

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佳盟早已在鬼使神差的滑铁卢战场上出现过了。Belle-Alliance, Beautiful Alliance, the fatal field of Waterloo had said in advance.

然而,几次鬼使神差之后,她却慢慢爱上了陈在天。However, after a few times, but she ordetracted slowly fell in love with Dhen in days.

我不想问你什么鬼使神差,会唆使我们的克劳德干这种可怕的事。Iwillnot ask you what devilish impulse movedyou incite our Claudetodo this awful deed.

莫内选中美国来充当推动欧洲联合的鬼使神差。Monnet had chosen america as the deus ex machina that would propel europe toward unity.

第二天,我无法控制自己,鬼使神差地在同一时间又来到靠近铁丝网的同一地点。The next day, I cannot help myself-I am drawn at the same time to that spot near the fence.

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他鬼使神差地坐上了去往纽约的班机,可全家人的目的地其实是在弗罗里达。He mistakenly gets on a plane to New York while the rest of the family heads off to Florida.

安迪心事重重驾车漫无目的游走,鬼使神差来到魏渭居住的小区停车场。Andy preoccupied driving aimlessly wandering, when came to live in Wei Wei residential parking lot.

没有想到,离婚以后,两个人鬼使神差的在各自的城市里生活了。You would not think that after the divorce, two men in their respective unconcioursly the city life.

好不容易郝京妮来到上海,徐嘉惠又被阿蔡派去出差,两个人常常鬼使神差。Very not easy to come to Shanghai, Beijing hao's XuJiaHui was sent to travel, o CAI invented two often.

米科利曾经有机会为主队扳平比分,但他近距离的射门却鬼使神差的偏出了门柱之外。Miccoli had a great chance to draw Fiorentina level, but from close range somehow dragged his shot wide of the post.

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在傍晚下班、交通最拥堵的时候,鬼使神差地,我挤上了一辆公交车。One day, at dusk when most people got off work and the traffic congestion reached the peak, I slipped into a bus quietly.

若在平日,我是不会去打开抽屉看一看的,可是今日,却鬼使神差地打开了那个装满了书籍的抽屉。In the weekdays, I won't open the drawer look, but today, but the doings of ghosts and gods to open the drawer full of books.

到底没能跟W分成手,因为鬼使神差,她跟一个职业马戏团丑角私奔去了芬兰。Did not have to break off with W. after all, for as luck would have it, she ran off to Finland with a professional circus geek.