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托米,你可以带着你的证物,我们走!Tommy, you can bring that evidence with you. Let's go!

我悄悄地杀了一头鹿,取了那些证物。I secretly had a doe killed and took the proofs from it.

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这是3号证物,你认识这张照片里的人吗?I show you Exhibit 3 and ask you if you recognize that picture?

是她杀了杰米而且安置了证物,弄成自杀的假象。She has killed Jamey and planted evidence to suggest it was a suicide.

警官的职责是保护现场防止有证物被毁。They are responsible for securing the scene so no evidence isdestroyed.

写有他名字的证物和目击证人的证言都证明他与罪案有关。A clue with his name on it and eyewitness testimony tie him to the crime.

他残酷无情地抹消证人和证物。He eliminates evidence and witnesses with brutal, emotionless efficiency.

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为此,实验室会将证物和保管在柜子中的样本做比较。For this purpose, the laboratory compares its evidence to samples maintained in archives.

目击者供称戴维斯是凶手,但警方一直找不到相关证物。Witnesses testified that Davis was the killer, but police could not find relevant evidence.

这件古老的证物证明了伯多禄的遗体就在这个墓地。It was an ancient graffiti providing evidence of the presence of Peter's body in the necropolis.

这些矛头是有史以来证明美洲首批人类定居踪迹的最有力证物。These spearheads are the firmest evidence yet found for the first human beings to inhabit America.

支持他的一项主要证物就是去年政府四分五裂的情况下共和党人的态度。One of his chief exhibits is the Republicans' comportment during the past year of divided government.

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对良格弗德的审判预计将在5月7日开始,届时这颗钻石将成为一项重要的呈堂证物。Langford’s trail is set to begin May 7 and the diamond is expected to be a featured piece of evidence.

此后,我们保存了迈凯伦和FIA通知的所有相关证物。Since then we have constantly and regularly kept McLaren and the FIA informed on all relevant findings.

极影影院证物处处指向刘震伟,震伟是蓝天前妻陈玉琪的丈夫。JiYing cinema evidence pointing LiuZhenWei everywhere, shock wei is the blue sky ex-wife ChenYuQi husband.

对这一时期的历史认识主要来源于考古发掘,特别是石碑证物。Most of the knowledge of the period stems from archaeological investigations and especially epigraphic evidence.

无名向兵判交出馔母给予的证物,兵判大感愕然!Mother to give evidence, unknown XiangBing sentenced to hand over delicious soldiers found guilty of a great shock!

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到这儿的证物有时是种难以辨认的形式,像是刻过的雕像,皮带或是一小瓶药粉。Evidence also arrives in difficult-to-identify forms like a carved statuette, a belt, or a small vial of medicinal powder.

自1908年以来,一个世纪中不断有探险队员来到通古斯河流域的“零地带”搜寻证物。In the century since 1908, new expeditions have returned to Tunguska again and again to collect evidence from ground zero.

他避开这个问题,对Sara说,Lincoln的律师当时有机会呈上新证物,但现在时机已过了。Dodging the question, he tells her that Lincoln’s attorneys had a chance to present new evidence, but that time has passed.