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老叶还送回叶绿素。Aging leaves also send back chlorophyll.

旱地龙和三十烷醇可提高叶绿素含量。FA and TRIA could increase the content of chlorophyll.

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春秋两季花青苷的含量较高,而叶绿素含量则是在夏季最高。The content of anthocyanin is higher in spring and autumn.

麦草中的叶绿素同样可以帮助净化肝脏。The chlorophyll in wheatgrass also helps to purify the liver.

细菌光合作用的色素是细菌叶绿素。The photosynthetic pigment in bacteria is bacteriochlorophyll.

旗叶净光合强度及叶绿素含量均呈递增趋势。The NAR and chlorophyll content of the flag-leaf all increased.

叶绿素含量以中位叶最高。The leaves of middle part had the highest content of chlorophylls.

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氮素对作物叶绿素含量起着较强的影响作用。The nitrogen has strong effect on the chlorophyll content of crop.

高压对小麦中的叶绿素含量没有明显影响。High pressure does not have obvious effect to the chlorophyl content.

卟啉结构中具有铁,是组成叶绿素的必要物质。It is found in porphyrins, and is essential for chlorophyll synthesis.

叶绿素含量与SPAD值有很好的相关关系。There is good correlation between chlorophyll content and SPAD values.

此外,它还含有大量叶绿素,也具有健脑益智作用。In addition, it contains large amounts of chlorophyll , with the Brain.

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另外,对于叶绿素和花青素苷的相互关系还不清楚。Otherwise, the relationship of anthocyanin and chlorophyll is not clear.

而当周围环境中存在大量的叶绿素时,光受体“看”到的是较多的绿光。When there's a lot of chlorophyll around, they see a lot of green light.

根癌病使叶绿素含量、光合速率下降,植株抗性愈强,则下降愈小。This disease also affected content of leafy chlorophyll and Pn of plants.

也是首次发现的可以产生植物天然叶绿素的动物。It's the first critter discovered to produce the plant pigment chlorophyll.

它们关闭了光合作用,减少了树叶中叶绿素的产量。Photosynthesis shuts down, halting the production of chlorophyll in leaves.

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促根壮苗,增加叶绿素,提高光合效率。Promote root seedlings, increased chlorophyll and photosynthetic efficiency.

麦草和所有含叶绿素的植物一样含氧量较高。Wheatgrass is high in oxygen like all green plants that contain chlorophyll.

遥感技术是海洋叶绿素调查的有力工具。And the remote sensing technology is a powerful tool in chlorophyll detection.