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杨柳婆娑。The willows dance in the breeze.

风恣婆娑浴寒冬。The wind knowingly biddings bath winter.

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它轻盈飘逸,姿态婆娑,随风舞动,勾人心弦。It is elegant, dancing, wind, people dance chord.

它甚至将顽石也变成为映射其婆娑姿影的一部分。It makes even the rocks part of its dancing mirror.

水碧天蓝,长夏无冬,全城遍植椰树,四季常青,婆娑多姿。With green water and blue sky, it is summer all the year around.

整个房间只有一扇窗,窗外树影婆娑。It's a one-window room out of which the shadows of trees were dancing.

夜幕现在已经降临,晴朗的天空里月影婆娑,星光朦胧。Darkness has now descended and the moon and stars shine hazily in the clear sky.

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病床上,她泪眼婆娑的注视著他,于是,他们结婚了。On hospital bed, Her tearful eyes dance gazed at him, Therefore they are married.

我在暗影婆娑的世界里沉沦不修,任季节去了又回,回了又去。I fall not repair in shadow whirling world, as the season went back again, back and go.

南京街道两旁矗立的梧桐树,葱郁婆娑,优雅端庄,一度被视为这座城市历史的象征。The graceful plane trees that line Nanjing's streets are a symbol of the city's history.

可是在这个泪眼婆娑的时刻,我实在太没用,找不到一句情深意浓的话语。But in this moment of tearful plight, words of profundity abandoned me like a worn-out shoe.

那被货物压的佝偻的背影,触发了心中最脆弱的神经,眼泪婆娑。The cargo pressure backs rickets, triggering the heart the most fragile nerves, tears dancing.

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身处其中,绿影婆娑,鸟语花香,环境之怡人超乎想象。The beautiful environment it offers is beyond your imagination with the surrounding green space.

村里有三棵四层楼高的大榕树,树冠宽阔婆娑,是白鹭们宽敞的家园。The village had three four- storey large banyan tree crown broad Posuo, egrets are spacious home.

在新西兰的科罗曼德森林公园里,桫椤树婆娑的身影映衬在繁星满天的夜空下。Tree ferns cast lacy contours against a star-speckled sky in Coromandel Forest Park, New Zealand.

一切似在颤抖和颤动,闪烁和闪耀和闪光,婆娑窸窣和涡旋荡漾,喋喋不休和汩汩作响。All as a-shake and a-shiver — glints and gleams and sparkles, rustle and swirl, chatter and bubble.

在亚龙湾,婆娑的椰林、碧蓝的大海和明媚的阳光构成了一个天堂的海岛。Coconut tree groves, blue ocean and bright sunlight make up an earthly paradise that is Yalong Bay.

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收音机里传出轻柔的哼唱,宽大的前院里,印度榕树的叶子在阳光下婆娑摇曳。The radio was humming and the leaves of the banyan trees in the massive front yards swayed in the sun.

这样,我在自己生活的漫长日子里,在我的知觉中,一次次谛听到雨水淅沥声和树叶婆娑声。Thus did the rain patter and the leaves quiver again and again, the live-long day in my consciousness.

园里处处风光旖旎,椰影婆娑。无论是轻歌曼舞或是狂舞劲歌都可以尽享人生乐趣。You can enjoy the pleasures of life in the park by light song with dance or wild dance with rock music.