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我们必须重新调整宏观经济政策。We must re-adjust macroeconomic policy.

遗传算法是一种宏观意义上的仿生算法。GA is mimic-life algorithm in grandness.

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和我们之前从宏观的角度得出的结果相同。Same thing we saw macroscopically before.

但是这一次,出现的宏观调控。But this time, the advent of macro-control.

而宏观量与微观量之间。Between the macroscopic and the microscopic.

热力学是描述热现象的宏观唯象理论。Thermodynamics is a phenomenon theory of heat.

财政宏观调控积极有效Public finance's active effect in macro-control

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这是宏观上确定的两个直供电模式。These are two modes of the direct power supply.

最后部分为余论,是对全文宏观的思考。On the last part I, is the full text of the macro.

这些都是宏观的概念,但是相对来说比较清晰。These are large conceptions, but relatively clear.

信息通信技术在宏观背景下可以做更多有益的事情。And ICTs can do more good in a sort of macro context.

量子理论构成大部分宏观物理学的基础。Quantum theory underlies much of macroscopic physics.

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深化改革,加强和改善宏观调控Deepen reform and strengthen and improve macro-control

如果宏观经济政策方面,并在同一时间的底部,这将是更好的。It will be added to the bottom of the right-hand side.

在这个宏观的世界,没有任何其他东西能够让她感兴趣了。In this macroscopic world, nothing else interested her.

第二部分,存款保险制度的微观和宏观法律分析。Part II is the analysis in microcosmic and macrocosmic.

政府宏观调控的作用一段时间之后才能显现出来。And the macro-control measures need time to take effect.

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企业税务筹划会产生宏观和微观双重效应。ETD leads to both micro-cosmic and macro-cosmic effects.

宏观环境也仍然问题重重。The macroeconomic environment, too, remains troublesome.

莫尼塔首席宏观经济学家马青表示。Not Nita chief macro economic scientist Ma Qing expressed.