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行,仙人掌如何?Okay, how about cactus?

仙人掌是如何进化的?How did cactuses evolve?

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他的房里放满了仙人掌。His room is full of cactuses.

刺猬和仙人掌都有刺。Hedgehogs and cacti have spines.

他收集粘贴和仙人掌?Does he collect stickers or cactuses?

仙人掌通常生长在沙漠里。Cactuses are used to living in desert.

现在我看到了亚利桑那的仙人掌。Now I see some cactuses out in Arizona.

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仙人掌可能是沙漠中最令人难忘的。Cactuses are probably the most memorable.

在非洲仙人掌处处可见…Cactuses can be seen everywhere in africa.

种草不让人去躺,不如改种仙人掌!Grass people not to lie, as Gaizhong cactus!

将植株较大的仙人掌种在花园的后部。Plant large cacti at the back of the garden.

卡弗斯称这个新发现为仙人掌花园。Cavers called the new find the Cactus Garden.

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为什么让几枝仙人掌左右了你的想法?Why let a few cactuses tell you what to think?

种植仙人掌时务必戴好橡胶手套。Always wear leather gloves when handling cacti.

在远一点,有了小灌木和仙人掌。Farther away, there are some small bushes and cactus.

蝴蝶亚仙人掌是全天然的,可以安全使用。Hoodia Gordonii is completely natural and safe to use.

我种兰花,菊花,百合花和仙人掌。I grow orchids , chrysanthemums , lilies and cactuses.

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仙人掌是行走在茫茫沙漠中行者的救命恩人。Cactus is a walking entrants in the vast desert savior.

仙人掌的鉴别方法有待进一步研究。Identification of opuntia dillenii needs further study.

我在哪里可以在线看电影免费仙人掌充分流?Where can I watch Cactus movie online free full stream?