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你是否对功夫茶充满好奇?Do you know what Kongfu Tea is?

那才是功夫茶的真谛。That is the soul of Kongfu tea.

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稻花香酒、葛洲坝啤酒和宜昌功夫茶。Daohuaxiang Liquor, Gezhouba Beer and Yichang Kunfu Tea.

在闽南,有一种文化是功夫茶。闽南茶文化的精华是茶艺。Minnan has a long history of Kongfu Tea which is the essence of tea ceremony.

李嘉诚静静地听着母亲说,并不插话,只是给母亲满上一杯功夫茶。Li Ka-shing listened quietly without interruption. He refilled his mother's cup.

吃完饭后,我还给了大家做了一个功夫茶茶道的介绍,帮助消化美味的晚餐。At the end of the meal, we also gave a Chinese Kung Fu Cha demonstration to help with digestion!

潮汕地区的功夫茶早在宋朝就开始流行,因为后劲很大,人们通常形容它为中国版本的“意式浓缩咖啡”。Kongfu Tea, the "espresso" of Chinese tea with a strong kick, was first discovered in the Song Dynasty.

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如果说悠远绵长的功夫茶是潮州古城善养的气,那么花灯就是情牵了。As the long-lasting Kongfu tea is the spirit of the Chaozhou city, the festive lantern is the sentiment.

功夫茶冲泡通常是五至十年的注入,以获得最佳的强度和风味的茶叶。Gong fu tea is typically brewed for five to ten infusions to get the best strength and flavor from the tea leaves.

在了解有关使宜兴壶功夫茶的风格与技巧在这个自由影片从一对泡茶茶更内行。Learn more about making gong fu style tea in a Yixing pot with tips from a tea connoisseur in this free video on brewing tea.

做功夫茶很注重茶壶、茶叶、水质甚至泡茶的工序、倒茶的动作与喝茶的方式。Serving Guangfu Tea requires strict attention to the teapot, tea leaves, the water quality and even how to make the tea, how to pour and how to drink the tea.

这种清雅的谈话,在凸凹印象里是经常的,来往的客人喜欢喝着功夫茶和洋酒,与主人一起细品书法的美妙与人生的趣味。At Tuao Impression, you can indulge in peaceful and elegant conversation. Guests love to drink kungfu tea and wine, savouring the beauty of calligraphy and the pleasures of life.