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那里的造纸业现在是一片死气沉沉。Paper-milling is now a dead industry there.

整个市场变得停滞不前,死气沉沉。It became largely a static, undynamic market.

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它既不死气沉沉,也不虚张声势。It’s neither too sleepy nor too intimidating.

她从不喋喋不休,也从不死气沉沉。She is never too talkative, never too silent.

你嘴角的笑意死气沉沉The smile on your mouth was the deadest thing

与过去十年相比,它并没有变得更死气沉沉。It has not been staler than the past 10 years.

死气沉沉,慵懒和沉默已经不行了。Lethargy, laziness, and inactivity is not okay.

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如若无我,大地将空空如也、死气沉沉,宛如月亮一般苍凉!Without me, the earth would be as empty as the moon!

讲演者谈笑风生。使死气沉沉的会议顿添生气。The speaker's exuberance enlivened a boring conference.

她不想再呆在这所死气沉沉的城市里。She doesn’t want to poke around in that city any longer.

那是一个死气沉沉的小镇,落后于时代约达五十年。It was a sleepy little town, about fifty years behind the times.

我们找到了一家死气沉沉的小餐馆。We found a drab little joint shoddily decorated for the holiday.

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当会谈谈到权力问题的时候,会谈气氛变得死气沉沉了。The atmosphere of the talk was stagnated when they dealt with rights.

山那边是泥泽,死气沉沉,一望无垠。To the one side of the mountain is the boundless and melancholy marsh.

我所收集的情趣玩具中,没有一件是死气沉沉的。My toys, the ones in my personal collection, are anything but inanimate!

她那死气沉沉的大眼睛盯着他,在一道血帘子后面看着他。Her wide, dead eyes stared at him, watching him through a curtain of blood.

可是他那样聪明人,怎么能在这样一个死气沉沉的小地方,长远呆下去哪!But he was too clever to bide here any longer-a small sleepy place like this!

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房子的前半部分仍然站立在那里,但周围死气沉沉。The front of the house is still standing but the death and destruction abounds.

奈恩说很多女孩都觉得芭比娃娃死气沉沉的,没有一点生气,根本不把她当成宝贝。Nairn said many girls saw Barbie as an inanimate object rather than a treasured toy.

那个盲人和他的导游走上狭小、死气沉沉的小城狭窄的街道。The blind man and his guide move away down the narrow streets of the small, dead town.