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哲行思前想后,感觉到整件事情并不单纯。Zhe line focused, feel the whole thing is not simple.

思前想后还是讲一下自己的某些兴趣爱好吧。After thinking it over, or talk about some of his hobbies bar.

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不要为自己的作为是否正确而思前想后,紧张不安。Don't stall or stress over whether you're doing the right thing.

只有半天时间,思前想后,还是再来六本木山一趟。It is best to login or register first but you may post as a guest.

要是他死了,我就不会在过去几周里一直思前想后到现在了。If he were dead, I would never think of now and the last few weeks.

剧组每天每次用水都要思前想后,精打细算,斤斤计较,节约用水。Water must be cast each day after thinking it prudent, over, to save water.

我献出一个人便思前想后,他献出了四个却毫无怨言。I'd given one man and thought it too much, while he gave four without grudging them.

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思前想后,你吥怕精神崩溃?那样地日子怎么过?Aren't you ever just scared of breaking apart at the thought of it? The enormity of it.

马利亚思前想后,都不明白这句话的意思,就惶恐不安。Mary was very upset because of his words. She wondered what kind of greeting this could be.

你不断地思前想后。而把决定放在脑子里反复思考会极大地消耗我们地精神。You endlessly think it over. Having the decision hanging over your head is a huge energy drain.

聪敏思前想后,非常后悔自己的所作所为,且计划为儿子多存一点教育基金。Meanwhile, Congmin repents for what he has done and plans to leave more money for his only child.

这两个人的出现叫琼斯又欣喜又发愁,她思前想后拿不准自己该挑哪一个。The two men appeared name is Jones and then smiles and worry, she was not sure he going the pick one.

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他思前想后,感觉金代表是不错的选择,于是跟他单独谈话,把救生艇的事情告诉他。He hung gold on behalf of feeling is a good choice, then talk with him alone, to tell him that the lifeboat.

漫无止境,茫茫无际,你甚至不知道什么时候才是尽头,思前想后,难道你不怕精神崩溃吗?You don't even know where it comes to an end. Aren't you ever just scared of breaking apart with the thought of it?

思前想后,我能给出的解释只有一个,那就是----这就是孩子和大人的区别。After think it over, the only explanation I can figure out is----this is just the difference between kids and adults.

KM的房贷终于批准,可是他妈妈思前想后,还是觉得放弃的好。KM's house loan is approved, but after his mother think twice, she concludes that we better not to buy the house now.

年轻人的思想总是摇摆不定,但是如果一个老年人考虑问题,他就会思前想后。Young men's minds are always changeable, but when an old man is concerned in a matter, he looks both before and after.

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思前想后,九妹用手帕遮住了脸,跑到四喜跟前谎称自己涂了珍珠粉脸蛋过敏。Focused, nine younger sister cover his face with a handkerchief, ran up to four xi falsely claim with pearl powder cheek allergy.

这两个人的出现叫琼斯又欣喜又发愁,她思前想后也拿不准自己该挑哪一个。These two person's appearance is called Jones to be also joyful worries, which one does she ponder over is also in doubt oneself to select.

第二天,希特利回到部里,在去报销前,他拿着账单思前想后了好一番,才来到财务部门。The next day, Heatley returned to the Ministry, to be reimbursed in, he took the bill after thinking for quite some, came to the financial sector.