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机不可失,时不再来。咱们要不要碰碰运气?It's now or never, shall we chance it?

我感觉到机不可失,所以径直走到他面前。I felt now or never and went right up to him.

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机不可失,时不在来。Take time when time comes lest time steal away.

机不可失,时不再来!来时容易,去时快!There is no time like the present! Easy come , easy go!

这是一个很好的机会,我们要机不可失。That is a good offer and we should take fortune at the tide.

走吧,80英尺的充气狗在城市上空游荡,机不可失哦?Come on, an 80-foot dog over the city?how often does that happen?

中秋节限时免费,机不可失,让悟空陪你过中秋吧!Free for Mid-Autumn Festival! Don't lose the chance! Join us, now!

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爸爸总说机不可失、时不再来,有了机会一定要把握住。Dad often says that opportunity knocks only once, so one must take it when it comes.

我了解到将会有7万5千人观看这场友谊赛,真的难以置信。机不可失,时不再来。I understand there are going to be 75,000 supporters there for a friendly, which is incredible.

幸运的是上海抓住机会举办2010世博会。对我们而言,机不可失,时不再来!Fortunately Shanghai gets the chance to hold 2010 World Expo. It is actually now or never for us!

你也许会等待一个好的时机再去谈论它,但是机不可失时不再来。You might be waiting until the right time to talk about it, but there's no time like the present.

小将也认为这种机会非常难得,可谓是机不可失失不再来。These chances don't come often in a season, so when they do I've got to take them with both hands.

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同时,他也描述了在IBM看来在即将到来的新的十年是“智慧体系”机不可失的十年。He also outlined what IBM sees as emerging opportunities for "smart systems" over the coming decade.

佐利克还警告说,对于打破多哈回合僵局,达成全球贸易协定,“机不可失,失不再来”。also warned the time was “now or never” for breaking the Doha Round impasse and reaching a global trade deal.

伶俐回家脱下挂颈上的门匙后前往沐浴,花苹感机不可失遂潜入丹丹房中搜查,更意外发现丹丹的性感照片。Intelligent home take off to hang on the neck after the door key to bath, take apple feel opportunity knocks into Danny room search, more surprise Danny sexy photos.

机不可失,时不再来,如果打算有一个体系完备的社会关怀拨款协议,并且准备为了来年的大选,将该协议内容放进政纲宣言,那么,协商必须现在就要开始了。Time is not limitless.If a deal on paying for a decent system for care is to be ready to go into the party manifestos for the next election, the talking has to start now.

当前中国消费者正在寻找可信赖的品牌,现在市场竞争还不算太激烈,时机已到,机不可失。The time to start doing all of this is right now, while Chinese consumers are forming views on which names to trust and before the competition becomes even more entrenched.

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“走吧,傻瓜们,”女巫叫着,“当你老了,虚弱得快死的时候就想想我,小男孩,记住你是怎样把永葆青春的机会扔掉的,机不可失,时不再来。”"Go then, Fools, " called the Witch. "Think of me, Boy, when you lie old and weak and dying, and remember how you threw away the chance of endless youth! It won't be offered you again.