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表演者必须衣冠端正。Performers must be in neat and suitable attires.

大人们都是这个样子,以衣冠取人。The adults are like this, take people to the headgear.

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那么蝴蝶又是什么?极其量,“他”不过是一只毛虫——戴上了衣冠的。And what's a butterfly? At best, He's but a caterpillar, drest.

他们选他担任该职务,因为他总是衣冠整齐。They chose him for the job because he always looks so well groomed.

你将带领这些民众走进衣冠文物,将他们统一在你的旗帜下。You will bring civilization to these people, uniting them under your banner.

上课之前准备妥当,衣冠端正,姿势亦端。Before class begins, one must come prepared, with neat attires and proper posture.

特别是纺织、服装业,中国曾拥有过“衣冠王国”的盛誉。Especially textile , clothes industry , China once had great fame of " dress kingdom ".

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他永远衣冠整洁,头发一尘不染,文质彬彬的令人畏然起敬。He was always in neat dress with his hair carefully combed and gentle, respectable manner.

他比前几次参加内阁会议更加衣冠齐整,举止从容,态度坚定。He was never more spick and span or cool and determined than at the last cabinets which he attended.

面前的妇人与这少年,居然身着一千年前大宋朝衣冠!The women and the man in frond of me whom are wore the cloth in the Song dynasty before one thousand years.

因为他家经常开着豪华轿车衣冠时髦地出入乡邻,被贼惦记上了!Because her family often drove luxury cars and wore luxury clothes . Her house and bus was concerned by the thief!

因为他家经常开着豪华轿车衣冠时髦地出入乡邻,被贼惦记上了!Because her family often drove luxury cars and wore luxury clothes . Her house and bus was concerned by some thiefs!

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顺治初年,清王朝下令汉民与满族一样蓄发,易衣冠,概从满洲制。Shunzhi the early years of the Qing Dynasty ordered the Han and Manchu hair as easily dressed, over the system from the Manchu.

照片除了较少一部分拍摄的是男性,多为美丽的女性朋友而且照片很有美感,如果衣冠整齐的话。There are relatively few photographs of men, but many of beautiful and sensuously photographed – if fully clothed – women friends.

序中国素有衣冠王国之称,服饰文化源远流长,“海派服装”如同皇冠上的一颗夜明珠,使上海赢得了“东方巴黎”的美誉。Moreover, "Shanghai-style Costume" like a legendary luminous pearl on the crown makes Shanghai get the reputation of "Eastern Paris".

孔俯是孔子嫡系长子世代居住的府第,俯里保存着1534至1948年间的9000多卷文书,以及许多文化遗产、古衣冠、器皿。The mansion holds more than 9000 volumes of archives dated from 1534 to 1948 and many cultural relics, ancient costumes, and utensils.

他们隐藏在懦弱的衣冠面纱背后,诱骗他人从事他们的低俗的,不健康和败坏的工作。They have hidden behind the veils of cowardly coordinates and inveigled others to undertake their debased, unhealthy and diseased work.

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中国素有“衣冠王国”之称,创造了无数精美绝伦的服饰,但其民族性的特色是不变的。China has always the fame of "the King of Dress". It creates endless wonderful and dedicate dresses while keeps the characteristics of its nationality.

这是个衣冠华丽的世界,是豪华饭店常客们的世界,也是他所熟悉的世界。The desire to move about unknown in the well-clad world, the world of the frequenters of costly hotels, the world to which he was accustomed, had overtaken him.

治疗开始时,这位24岁的治疗师衣冠整洁,随着一小时的治疗,她渐渐脱掉衣服,直至一丝不挂。The 24-year-old begins the session with her clothes on, as the hour-long appointment progresses, she takes off every item of clothing until there is nothing left.