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我们的班长精明强干,我们都很信任他。Our monitor is a very smart boy. We all believe in him.

这位新来的女书记很是精明强干。The new woman secretary was extremely clever and capable.

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狂风和巨浪永远站在最精明强干的航海家一边。The winds and waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators.

精明强干的侦探通常可以识破为了免遭怀疑而编造出来的假话。Good detectives can usually spot a story concocted to throw off suspicion.

直至1968年,别无他路的克氏仍是追随休伯特•汉弗莱的一个精明强干的民主党人。By 1968 he was still a short, sharp Hubert Humphrey Democrat, faute de mieux.

她的邻居一般都躲着她,而她必须每次在做生意的时候表现得精明强干。Her neighbors would shun her and she would have to be shrewd in all of her business dealings.

有的是只要不高薪水的,要出位的精明强干精力充沛的年轻人,有的是,为什么还要用你?As long as you don't have a high salary, be distinctive go-getters energetic young people, have a plenty of why use you?

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“双十委员会”明确指出,他们期望我查明,在英国确实不存在“阿勃韦尔”派来的精明强干的间谍。The twenty committee has made it quite clear that they expect me to make sure there are not any decent abwehr agents in britain.

沃尔福威茨说“我所见到的人,从农民到老师到政府领导人,都是精明强干的,随时准备解决他们所面临的问题和挑战。From farmers to teachers to government leaders, I’ve seen very talented people ready to tackle the problems and challenges facing them.

昆明庆成花卉有限公司自一九九二年成立至今,内部拥有一支精明强干、业务素质较高的员工队伍。Kunming Flower Co. celebrate the completion of its inception since 1992, has a competent and within the business of high-quality staff.

为此,选派了一名精明强干的军官博尔霍维季诺夫,他除了呈递书面报告外,还要在口头上能把全部情况报告清楚。For this purpose they chose a capable officer, Bolhovitinov, who was to take a written report, and to explain the whole matter verbally.

他是个精力充沛,精明强干的生意人,四年前移居到此地。他告诉我,起初他被保加利亚官僚各种不明不白的要求弄得筋疲力尽。An energetic wheeler- dealer, who moved here four years ago, he told me of his initial frustrations with the mysterious demands of Bulgarian officialdom.

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然而,如果没有训练有素、精明强干和诚实守信的会计专业人才,透明度和充分的信息披露不可能成为自觉的商业惯例。Transparency and adequate disclosure can not, however, become established business practices without well trained, competent, and honest accounting professionals.

看看Youtube上杰夫·巴克利访谈的片段吧,你会发现一个非常精明强干的年轻人,令人难以想象地在乎自己的美貌和个人魅力所带来的市场效应。Watch any YouTube clip of him being interviewed and you'll find a very clever, canny young man, incredibly aware of his good looks and the marketing power of charisma.

地保免不了要有一般人的弱点的,他希望能在报上看到“该区精明强干的地保墨尼”说了些什么,做了些什么。The beadle is not superior to the universal human infirmity , but hopes to read in print what "Mooney, the active and intelligent beadle of the district, " said and did.

此外,公司还培养出一支精明强干,能适时为客户提供方便快捷、高效完善服务的高素质营销人才队伍。In addition, the company has cultivated a highly qualified, able to provide customers with timely convenient, efficient services to improve marketing of high-quality personnel.

在最上层,精明强干的官员正在整理行囊,他们被瞬间的自由弄得晕糊糊的,正愉快地挥手让宏伟的计划得以通过。At the very highest levels, some of the most experienced officials are packing their bags. Giddy with the glimpse of freedom, they are happily waving through these gigantic plans.

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这显然听起来并不像是香港,这个半自治的中国行政区以精明强干的公务员、对公民自由的保护和世界级的政府服务而知名。This certainly doesn't sound like Hong Kong, the semi-autonomous Chinese enclave renowned for its competent civil servants, protection of civil liberties and world-class government services.