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这是一条很冷僻的路,到现在我们还未遇到任何其它车子。This is a lonely road, we have not met another car so far.

蒙昧是不冷僻的,因为和它统一的是一个的天下!Ignorance is not free, because its opposite is a strange world!

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这是个冷僻的地方,附近没有多少商人。It is in a retired place, where there are very few tradespeople about.

他在现代文学错综复杂的冷僻领域无助地徘徊着。He wandered helplessly through the labyrinthine byways of modern literature.

多年来,许多科学家可能认为这是一个很冷僻的问题。For years, many scientists would have considered that to be a trick question.

他在错综复杂的现代文学冷僻部份无助地徘徊着。He wandered helplessly through the labyrinthine by ways of modern literature.

一旦安静寒静寒僻冷僻的氛围高,这如花般的斑斓,奋发着人屎媚死灵。Once an atmosphere of calm, like a beautiful flowery, inspiring the people of the world.

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他拐进一个偏僻的街道,走进一条冷僻的小巷,向一家铁匠铺走去。Turning down an obscure street and entering an obscure lane, he went up to a smith's shop.

即使是不可重入函数这种非常冷僻的主题,也给予了足够的重视。Even tangential topics such as non-reentrant functions are paid the attention they deserve.

很多物件是冷僻的,不寻常的,并已尘封在架子上或在家里的衣箱中。Many pieces are obscure, unusual, and have been gathering dust on a shelf or in a family trunk.

一天晚上十点钟左右,一个警察发现在一条冷僻的马路当中有个人躺着,已经失去了知觉。About ten o' clock one night a policeman found a man lying unconscious in the middle of a lonely road.

在其中一项实验里,参与者被要求将四十道冷僻难题——比如,“鸵鸟的眼睛要比它的大脑大”——录入到一部电脑中。In one, participants typed 40 bits of trivia — for example, "an ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain" — into a computer.

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如何走我心幽静冷静冷僻热僻安稳爱情要有智能。别为爱葬送由于爱他,她包揽了统统的家务。The way my heart Ping Jingan steady love smart. Don't shvacrifice for love because love him, she swept virtuingly ingl the housework.

当前,又要担心眼袋标题成绩。而细纹,也时没偶然正在眼角处耀武扬威,让您没有得安然安静冷静冷僻热僻安静冷静冷僻热僻。Later, worry about eye problems. While the fine lines, also from time to time in the corner, make threatening gestures, overwhelms you.

在科学体系中,古生物学是一个比较冷僻的学科,但对古生物感兴趣的普通读者却大有人在的,针对这一点,恐龙。In the science system, paleontology is a subject receiving little attention, but the number of readers who are interested in it is large.

尽管每个人都有维基百科可以参考,杂志的编辑和网管还是要求作家们减少典故和冷僻词汇的使用,因为他们认为大多数人不知道那些内容。Magazine editors and network executives make writers cut references and words they think most people won't know — even though everybody has Wikipedia.

一个曾在窃听事件调查中工作的警察由于在一个调查部分触及了两个冷僻的公务员保密条例已经被逮捕,不过他已经被保释释放,暂不做出判决。A policeman who worked on the hacking inquiry has been arrested, bailed and suspended, in a probe involving two little-used sections of the Official Secrets Act.

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是的,当大多数人提到自己业绩考核程序的时候,人们并不在乎,由此可见,在这个话题是多么冷僻。Yes, we know that is not what comes to mind when most people think of their performance appraisal process, which goes to show how far afield we’ve gotten on this topic.

本文讨论了一些具有警示性和比较冷僻的例子,在行为变成直觉习惯之前,使用元类需要某种程度的反复试验。A number of warnings and corner cases are discussed in this article. Working with metaclasses requires a certain degree of trial-and-error before the behavior becomes intuitive.