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我幸运透了!I lucked out!

我们是幸运的。We were lucky.

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祝君幸运!Wish you luck!

不过我是幸运的。But I am lucky.

你很幸运啊!You lucked out.

我只是幸运一点。I am just lucky.

多么幸运的家伙!Whon a luck guy!

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哟,我好幸运啊。Whew, I am lucky.

我才是那个幸运的人。I am the lucky one.

我真的很幸运。Well I had blessing.

我是一个幸运的旅行者。I’m a lucky traveler.

谁是我的幸运之星?Who is my Lucky Star?

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他应该很幸运了。He should be so lucky.

我们应该感到幸运。We should be so lucky.

你是我的幸运之星。You Are My Lucky Star.

你是我的幸运星。You are my lucky star.

你应该觉得幸运。You should feel lucky.

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幸运的是,我从来没有迟到过。Luckly, I'm never late.

我就是你的幸运儛伴啦!I'm your lucky guy then.

幸运只会在你身上降临一次。Luck offers once on you.