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这是一本双月刊杂志。This is a bimonthly magazine.

我们同时也有中英对照双月刊的小册子要送给你。We also have a bilingual, bimonthly booklet we would like to give you.

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现代法律互联网期刊是在互联网上刊载的双月刊。The Web Journal of Current Legal Issues is published bi-monthly on the World Wide Web.

不过现存的周刊、月刊、双月刊、季刊等杂志就有几千种,内容从园艺到流行音乐,应有尽有。But there are thousands of weekly, monthly, bimonthly, or quarterly journals on topics ranging from gardening to pop music.

会员能够每年获得六次双月刊和一次年度刊物。The members can six times a year enjoy our bimonthly magazine, the Svensk Flyghistorisk Tidskrift, and once a year, a book.

同时心被恩感又写了「恩感录」二十五篇,在「文宣」双月刊连载刊出。Also in order to thank God for His grace I wrote twenty-five articles of thanksgiving which are being published in a bimonthly.

日报、早报、晚报及周刊、月刊、双月刊、季刊可够读者读的。Dailies, morning papers, evening papers, plus weekly, monthly, bimonthly and quarterly journals can make readers busy reading all day long.

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过去的六年共出版了63期,去年由于经费新问题,才改成双月刊,出版6期。Published 6 of in the past years in all 63 period, last year as a result of funds problem, just change geminate monthly magazine, publish 6 period.

来自新加坡的时尚双月刊物,透过简明格式和时尚版面,展示最新珠宝和钟表设计。Solitaire is a regional bi-monthly trend and fashion publication showcasing the latest jewellery and watch trends in an easy-to-digest format and stylist layout.

QEX是美国无线电传播联盟为“通讯专家”开设的“论坛”,双月刊,它刊登技术文章、专栏以及其它业余无线电爱好者和通讯专家所感兴趣的栏目。QEX is the ARRL "Forum for Communications Experimenters. " Published bimonthly, it features technical articles, columns, and other items of interest to radio amateurs and communications professionals.