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仙鹤,接住了!Crane, catch!

灵蛇、仙鹤、金猴、螳螂。Viper! Orane! Monkey! Mantis!

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猴子,螳螂,仙鹤,母蛇,考虑!Monkey, Mantis, Orane, Viper, Tigress!

娇虎,灵蛇,仙鹤,猿猴,螳螂。Tigress, Viper, Crane, Monkey, Mantis.

这是我的房间,仙鹤地产。But this is my room. property of Crane.

仙鹤组成一道花环,佯装着起飞。The cranes form a garland in the pretence of flight.

他将这只仙鹤取名为Malena,在那整个冬季都对它照顾得很好。He named the stork Malena, and during the whole winter he took good care of her.

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如果你向它伸出贪婪的手,它就会像仙鹤凌空飞去。If you stretch out a greedy hand to it, it will fly high away like a red-crowned crane.

一件精美的松石绿釉陶瓶,上有两只飞翔的仙鹤。An attractively enamelled turquoise earthenware bottle vase depicting two cranes in flight.

我是见过的,所以我想,黄鹤楼总该会有成群结队的仙鹤吧。I have seen, I think, Yellow Crane Tower will have the gathering in crowds and groups crane.

另有,依照中国的传统看法,仙鹤与松树都是长寿的意味。And what is more, in traditional Chinese thinking, cranes and pine trees symbolize longevity.

这幅水墨长卷画面内容以荷花、仙鹤为主,长90米寓意”建党90周年”。The work is named "Lotus in the flourishing age". The 90 meters signifies the 90th anniversary.

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在今年的3月13日,一只仙鹤着陆在了学校建筑物的屋顶上。This year at 13rd March a male stork landed on the roof of the school building in Brodska Varos.

还有,按照中国的习惯观念,仙鹤与松树都是长寿的象征。And what is abundance, in traditional Chinese considering, cranes or pine leaves symbolize longevity.

可怜的仙鹤后来被这位校长所收养并治愈了它的伤病,可是它却永远不能在蓝天自由得翱翔。He adopted this bird and has since then healed it because the poor stork could obviously no longer fly.

其独具风格的仙鹤标志已被广泛公认为波兰航空公司的旗标。Its emblem, a stylized crane, is recognized almost everywhere as the symbol of the Polish flag carrier.

在这里,鸭子、仙鹤、野兔和小鹿不由得吸引了我的注意力,油然而生的敬畏与惊奇取代了今日的伤痛。Here ducks and cranes, rabbits and deer all steal your attention and replace the hurt of the day with awe and wonder.

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灵感来源于大自然中之鄱阳湖边仙鹤嬉戏,太阳剪影之意境。It originates from the perfect scenery that red-crowned crane larks freely beside Poyang lake and the sun shines brightly.

这幅图展现了一只仙鹤飞越一个河流三角洲的场景,也是设计师们想贯彻更大场面的一个实例。This image shows a crane flying over a river delta and was an example of the larger landscapes the designers wanted to traverse.

尽管这一下摔得不轻,仙鹤还是一挺身站立起来,拍了拍翅膀,飞上了天空。And although the crane was badly hurt when the hunter threw him onto the ground, he got up, fluttered his wings and flew up high.