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卫生系统是绊脚石。Health systems are the stumbling block.

冠词和介词是初学英语者的绊脚石。These are stumbling blocks to our scheme.

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我知道这是我最大的绊脚石。I know this is my biggest stumbling block.

与其把恐惧看成你的绊脚石Instead of seeing feer as a stumbling block

骄傲自满是真正取得进步的绊脚石。Pride is a stumbling block to real progress.

任性,刁蛮是婚姻的绊脚石。Wilfulness is the stumbling block in a marriage.

人浮于事已成为改革的绊脚石。Overstaffing has become the obstacle for reforms.

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思想对于诗往往是一块绊脚石。Thinking is always the stumbling stone to poetry.

尿片似乎对所有人来说都是个绊脚石。Diapers seem to be a stumbling block for everyone.

我们的配置管理工具是我们这个项目的一块绊脚石。Our CM tool was a stumbling block in this project.

也许人生路上的下一个绊脚石就是垫脚石。The next rock in your path may be a stepping stone.

别让这件事成为绊脚石,而损伤我们的友谊?釴。Don't let this be a stumbling block and strain our friendship.

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农业仍旧是达成协议最大的绊脚石。Agriculture continues to be the main stumbling block to a deal.

人生的一大秘诀就是将绊脚石变成垫脚石。The key to success is to turn blocking stone into stepping-stone.

但竞争也具有破坏性,成为阻碍成功的绊脚石。But it can also be destructive, and become an obstacle to success.

她甚至大声疾呼,反对那些阻挡自由的、传统礼教的绊脚石。She also speaks out against the traditional hindrances to freedom.

上帝,请不要搬开那块绊脚石,指引我绕开它。Please don't move that stumbling block, but lead me , Lord, around it.

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绊脚石正是它们对空间和时间观念的冲突。The stumbling block lies with their conflicting views of space and time.

除此之外,别忘了还有运动产生的倦怠、伤害甚至仅仅是腻烦情绪,它们都会成为你持续锻炼的绊脚石。Don’t forget burnouts, injury and simply getting bored with your workout.

规则是个人和团队的绊脚石,导致不可预知的后果。Rules trip up both individuals and teams causing unintended consequences.