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它是一条指令。It's an instruction.

它需要指令。It needs instruction.

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指令长杰弗里·威廉姆斯在自己的Twitter上这样写道,“如果有人问我上网后做的第一件事是什么?First thing I did on internet?

是谁给的指令呢?Who's giving the instructions?

你的身体听从于你所发出的指令Your body obeys your commands.

视频辅助指令?。VAI? Video Assisted Instruction?

超长指令字?。VLIW? Very Long Instruction Word?

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我船已经停航,给我船的指令是什么?I stopped. What is the instruction?

iar-指令地址寄存器。iar-The instruction address register.

此外,客户还能使用语音指令。Customers can also use voice commands.

即指令是大小写字母不敏感的。CMake command is not sensitive to case.

阿波罗11号指令舱,命名为哥伦比亚。Apollo 11 Command Module, named Columbia.

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他给人们下达邪恶的指令。He gave all these people these bad rules.

接到指令后,把它套在头上。When instructed, place it over your head.

微指令不需译码。No decoding is needed to microinstruction.

神派下来更多的家人带着相同的指令。God sent more family with the same directive.

有时指令调度会带来争议。Sometimes instruction scheduling is a hassle.

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指令没要我们滥杀无辜!We don't have orders to kill innocent people.

我执行穿孔卡的指令。I followed instructions from cards with holes.

优化并行指令输出。Optimize output by parallelizing instructions.