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他是一种算计的动物。He is an indirect animal.

别算计最大数,算计最小数。Don't count maximum, count minimum.

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算计算计买这么多东西要多少钱。Work out how much all these things will cost.

她没有算计过,她没有策划过。She did not calculate and she did not maneuver.

如果算计,那么哪些因素影响了我们的决定呢?If not, then what factors influence our decisions?

日本人是精于算计的,狡猾的,缺德的。The Japanese are calculating, cunning, and wicked.

王大妈算计着下月买一台彩电。Aunt Wang is planning to buy a colour TV set next month.

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我是个斤斤计较的人,老是算计着谁谁做了什么。I’m a score-keeper, always calculating who has done what.

加减乘除之中的小小算计,这真是无趣。Among the small, Math calculations, this is really boring.

我的一些多疑的支持者们认为我是被某人算计了。My paranoid supporters thought I’d been set up by somebody.

制造意外的威胁,迫使对方化费时间算计。Make surprise threats and force him to spend time calculating.

雷孟达的声音有着算计和紧缩的效果。De Roquefort’s voice had a calculating and deflationary effect.

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在他漫不经心的外表之下,是一个絮絮叨叨喜欢算计的人。Under the casual exterior is a calculating killjoy with mom issues.

到七十岁吧,他算计到,再多给自己三年时间。Till he was seventy, Jesse figured, giving himself three more years.

我很会算计成本,知道如何在把刺激搬上银幕。I'm very cost-conscious, in terms of how to get the big bang on the screen.

柯西金这样做时给人的印象是经过巧妙算计的。Kosygin gave the impression of doing so on the basis of skillful calculation.

贾幸梅每天都在算计钱,又开始对爷爷说一些冷言冷语。Jia Xingmei in calculating money every day, began to grandpa said some coldness.

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我们算计好,总是在农贸市场发放免费样品的最佳时间去那里。We figured out the perfect time to show up at our farmers' market for giveaways.

我为能帮助他人而兴奋,为算计自我所得而落寞。I'm thrilled that we can help others. I'm blown away by how much it has helped us.

群体关系的特点更多的是算计,竞争与冷血。Group-to-group relations are more often marked by calculation, rivalry and coldness.