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也许只是着凉了。Maybe it’s just a cold.

他着凉了,很难受。He suffers from a bad cold.

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别站在风口上,小心着凉。The giantess stands on her tiny island.

我撩着凉水洗了一把脸。I quickly sluiced my face with cold water.

多穿些衣服,不然的话,你会着凉。Put on more clothes, or you'll catch cold.

着凉得吃,发烧得饿?You Should Feed a Cold and Starve a Fever.

穿上你的外套,否则你会着凉的。Put on your overcoat, or you will catch cold.

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要是不穿毛线衣,你会着凉的。If you don't wear a sweater, you will get cold.

这样温暖的天气,她怎么会着凉的呢?How did she ever catch cold in such warm weather?

这样他就可以着凉,嗓子就可以有些嘶哑。So that he could catch cold and become a little hoarse.

你要盖毯子以免着凉。Cover yourself with a blanket lest you should catch a cold.

他要是多穿点衣服,也不至于着凉。If he had put on more clothes, he wouldn't have caught cold.

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美国打个喷嚏,世界都着凉?When the United States sneezes, does the world catch a cold?

吉娃娃只有薄薄的外衣,所以他们很容易着凉。Chihuahuas have kind of a thin coat, so they get cold easily.

多穿点衣服体你就不会着凉了。You wouldn't have caught cold if you had put on more clothes.

如果你睡在潮湿的被单里,就可能会着凉。If you sleep between damp sheets, you will probably catch cold.

俺听你这声音像是着凉了,"嬷嬷怀疑地说。“Yo’ voice soun’ lak you catchin’ a cole,” said Mammy suspiciously.

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你能避免在出汗后因风着凉。You'll avoid getting chilled by the wind after you've been sweating.

俺听你这声音像是着凉了,"嬷嬷怀疑地说。“Yo’ voice soun’ lak you catchin’ a cole, ” said Mammy suspiciously.

尽量包好你的手、头和脚,因为这些部位容易着凉。Try to cover your hands, head, and feet because they get cold easily.