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他的性格已定型。His character is set.

我很少用头发定型剂。I seldom use hair conditioners.

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这孩子的性格尚未定型。The child's character is as yet unformed.

采用高清浓度聚合物,定型力特强!High density firm hold for strong styling.

我这是给泥坯的内侧定型。I am fixing the inner shape of the bisque.

要求理发师洗头并吹干定型。Ask the hairdresser for a wash and blow-dry.

投射灯可获得最准确定型位置。Projection lamp is helpful for exact location.

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然后你可以用摩丝给自己定型。Then you could give styling to it with mousse.

他已定型专演学者了。He has become typecast for the role as a scholar.

但是记忆中的那种不定型永远不会离我们太远。But the memory of formlessness is never far beneath,.

外观为黑色不定型颗粒。Appearance of the black particles are not stereotypes.

冈瑟的故事情节经过讨论定型后非常适合本剧。It was a very fitting closure for Gunther's storyline.

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可分为直条型领带和定型性领带。Can be divided into direct ties and stereotypes of tie.

粘边定型,一般20分钟至半小时胶就能干。Normally the sticking glue would dry in 20mins or 30mins.

刘海干了后,用一款轻薄的喷发定型剂喷在上面定型。When dry, mist your fringe with a lightweight hair spray.

在预热好的烤箱里烘焙8到10分钟,直到姜饼定型。Bake for 8 to 10 minutes in the preheated oven, until firm.

帮助孩子克服老套、定型的家庭角色的观念。Help children overcome ideas about stereotyped family roles.

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热定型机专用高温润滑脂。High temperature grease specialized for Heat Setting Machine.

他确信人们具有成长型的或者固定型的思想状态。Her belief is that people either have growth or fixed mindsets.

测试了定型剂在RTM树脂中的溶解性能。The solubility of the tackifier in the RTMable resin was tested.