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我感到周身发冷。I felt a chill creep over me.

喝酒以后周身发热。After drinking some wine, I feel warm all over.

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她用海绵把那生病的孩子周身擦洗一番,然后把他放在床上。She sponged the sick child down and put him to bed.

但鱼根本就不知道它们一开始就是周身潮湿的呀。The fish doesn't even KNOW it's wet in the first place.

我用我的胳膊搂着他的脖颈,把自己紧紧地贴在他身上,周身不停地发抖。I was shaking as I put my arm around his neck and clung to him.

恶龙的周身是用黑金打制,镶钻。The body of a dragon made of black gold and encrusted with diamonds.

周身毫无插戴,只腕上一只金表,襟上一只金自来水笔。Without any ornaments but a gold watch, and fountain pen was in her hand.

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当恐惧在你的周身蔓延,讲出来,然后让恐惧感过去。When fear creeps into your head, name it for what it is, and let it pass by.

所以说,人体是个巨大的带电体,周身布满电子,振动不已。Therefore, a human body is a huge electrophorus, which teems with vibrating electrons.

胃灼热、腿部肌肉抽筋和周身疼痛,没有几个位置能让我感到轻松。Between the heartburn leg cramps and general body aches very few positions offered relief.

非处方止痛药如对乙酰氨基酚,布洛芬能缓解发烧,头痛,周身痛。OTC pain relievers like acetaminophen and ibuprofen may help fever, headaches and body aches.

她身材修长苗条,披着一头金黄色的秀发,周身似乎散发出淡淡的银光。She was tall and willowy with long blonde hair and appeared to emanate a faint, silvery glow.

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用于肝郁气滞,胸胁胀满,胃脘疼痛,嘈杂呕吐,嗳气泛酸。两胁刺痛,饮食无味,消化不良,周身串痛。It is used for both of rib and stomach pain, vomit, digestion not good, feel the meal no taste.

如果我们从内心开始逐渐变成我们想成为的人,我们周身的世界也会随之开始自我改变。Once we become the person we want to be on the inside, our world rearranges itself accordingly.

通过控制支配菩拉那的力量,瑜伽师周身可放出光芒。By controlling the force which governs the prana, he can surround himself with a blaze of light.

一段时间后,出现了四肢麻木无感,视力消失,周身麻痹和其他症状。Over time, tingling and numbness in the limbs, loss of vision, paralysis, and other symptoms can develop.

老鼠本身最多不会超过三个脚丫子那么大,周身被骨刺和脓疮所包围。The rats themselves got no larger than perhaps three feet in length, covered in sharp bony spikes and boils.

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真正的青春,贞洁的妙龄的青春,周身充满新的血液,体态轻盈而不可侵犯,这个时期只有几个月。True youth pure youthfulness with fresh blood ijnviolable youth with graceful carriage lastsfor a few months.

周身世界的人文与自然给予我绘画的灵悟,我以作品来诠释世界。Whole world cultural and natural give me to paint the spirit of enlightenment, I work to interpret the world.

博尔霍维季诺夫周身是泥,他用衣袖擦脸的时候,又擦了一脸的泥巴。Bolhovitinov was bespattered all over, and on rubbing his face with his sleeve , had smudged that too with mud.