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真的?是吗,我只是旁敲侧击了下,不错。I mean, I was just winging it, But that's good.

不要旁敲侧击了,你想说什么?Don't beat around the bush! What do you want to say?

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她旁敲侧击地指出她的合伙人盗用了资金。She insinuated to us that her partner had embezzled funds.

成亚坤旁敲侧击,总不能直接说是他吧。Cheng Yakun attack by innuendo, the total can not directly said to be him.

别旁敲侧击,简单明了地对我们说一说到底是什么意思!Don't beat about the bush so much, tell us plainly what you are driving it.

之后,狡猾多疑的她又对叶凌青旁敲侧击。Cunning suspicious of her to Ye Lingqing again after the beat about the bush.

卡瓦列里同样也是一名非常专业的球员,你不需要对他进行什么旁敲侧击。He is a really good professional and you don't need to motivate him too much.

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如果你只是旁敲侧击的去了解你孩子的状况,你不会有好的感觉。You can't feel good about sneaking around to get information on your own kid.

如果你观察的时间够长的话,就会看到许多问题是通过这种旁敲侧击的谈话方式解决的。If you watch long enough, you will see many problems settled by this" tap-talking " with the feelers.

哥哥旁敲侧击想要知道女主会不会也原谅男主,得到了女主的否定答复。Brother beat about the bush wanted to know she will not forgive men, also got the negative answer tying.

莫妮卡旁敲侧击问理查对未来的规划,发现他不愿意再养育儿女。Monica asks Richard about his plans for the future, and discovers he doesn't want to start having kids again.

这说明只要有人旁敲侧击,富人也能够变得慈悲,但不会自发改变。That suggests the rich are capable of compassion, if somebody reminds them, but do not show it spontaneously.

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她旁敲侧击池北辰,却没有得到想要的回答,便直接去问安霖,要求检查她的球拍。She insinuated pool in Beichen, but did not get the answer you want, then go directly to greet Lin, asked to check her racket.

我们现在将注意力转向这个难于理解的器官。这个器官,我们只能旁敲侧击,总而言之,这个是个虚假的器官。We must now turn our attention to this ungraspable organ, this object that we can only circumvent, in short, this false organ.

它有影射、双关、反语、谐音、仿拟、误会、借代、讽喻、夸张、旁敲侧击以及生动特殊的形神描绘等多种表现技巧。It involves many techniques of expression such as innuendo, pun, irony, euphony, allegory, hyperbole, and oblique references, etc.

如果你提到你自己父亲的身体越来越差,而他听后马上就换话题时,你可以再旁敲侧击地试一次,但不要给他太大的压力。If you raise the issue of your father's deteriorating health and he changes the subject, you can try to gently raise it again, without pressuring him.

千万别旁敲侧击。如果你伴侣给孩子穿衣服,那么就不要抱怨穿得不好。如果你想事情按照你的想法去做,那么你就要自己去做。No carping from the sidelines. If your partner got the kids dressed, don't criticize the outfits. If you want something done your way, do it yourself.

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甚至是后来的赵文生,知道了曾经有这一出,也旁敲侧击地问过她好几次,差点没烦死她。Even namely afterward Zhao Wen to living, knew once had this, also made oblique reference ground to once ask her some times, nearly have no annoyed she.

我派班干部进厕所察看,原来那个男生躲在厕所里吸烟,把他喊来旁敲侧击一问,竟查出个与他有关的盗窃团伙。I sent class cadres into the toilet to see, the original boys hiding in the bathroom smoking, he shouted to a Bangqiaoceji asked, and he has uncovered a gang-related theft.

甚至还可以利用这个人的威信、口碑和推介旁敲侧击,来感染、说服其他的人,以达到进货、收款、促销等其它的拜访目的。They can even use this person's prestige, reputation and promote bush to infection, to convince other people to reach stock, receivables , and other promotions to the visit.